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Friday, December 26, 2008

Happiness and Peace

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I was asked today to write about how you would gift someone with a present of happiness and peace in a small box. My answer would be to say that this is a gift we are only able to give ourselves; only we are responsible for our happiness and peace-of-mind. Although we are always trying to make others happy, we truly succeed when we are able to create our own happy and peaceful existence. This state-of-being then becomes contagious to those with whom we come into contact; our family, friends and others. The ripple effect of our thoughts, words and actions will always spread is a Universal law.

However, I think it would be nice to be able to give happiness and peace in a small box to anyone and everyone. Imagine the changes that would be wrought in the world. Happiness and Peace...what a concept...oh, that's right, as Super-Stars we are promoting Love, Civility and Peace. The world we are creating through this process and mission is full of happiness and peace. So, go ahead and put together boxes and mark them, "This box is full of happiness and peace for you," and give them to everyone you know. Ask them to make their own boxes and gift them with the same instructions, and so on and so on, to continue the happiness and peace box project.

There are many ways to make the world a better place and I think this is a great idea. I must thank Nina Rivera for the question about how to give someone happiness and peace in a small box. If even one person finds happiness and peace, it will have been worth the effort. So, THANKS Nina! You truly are a Super-Star!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I sincerely wish you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. This time of year brings many families together in love and light, and I hope yours is filled with those and so much more. Take the time to enjoy each other and share yourself with your loved ones and friends. It is up to us, especially at this time of year, to promote Love, Civility and Peace.

The New Year is right around the corner and, with that in mind, begin to think about where you want to be in your life this time next year. What kind of changes, if any, do you intend to implement into your daily life? How will you reach the goals you have set? And, what things might you leave behind in order that you might give yourself room to grow?

Clearly, this time of year can be stressful, but it is also a good time to take stock of our lives and make plans for the best possible outcome. Remember to be kind to yourself and others; set reasonable goals; and please, continue to spread the Super-Star message to enlighten the world and help to truly promote Love, Civility and Peace! God bless and Godspeed!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Being Polite, Courteous and Gracious

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Being Polite, Courteous and Gracious, as we interact with family, friends and others, are attributes that will serve us well and, that will help spread the Super-Star spirit of Love, Civility and Peace. Imagine the many beneficial consequences that will be produced if we all practice and, therefore, make these qualities a habit of our everyday lives. Why does it matter if we are Polite, Courteous and Gracious? How does the way we treat others affect us?

These Super-Star points are an important factor in the overall ripple effect our actions have on the Universe. The consequences of all of our actions are both tangible and non-tangible. For instance, when you practice these qualities, you may see an immediate response in kind which will brighten your day, whether you realize it or not; and, the non-tangible effect may be the regard and respect you are afforded in future because of your actions today. So yes, it matters to be Polite, Courteous and Gracious.

The way we treat others affects us on so many levels; the return on the investment we make by being nice will come back to us when we least expect it and, when we most need it; the Universe is set-up to give back to us that which we put forth - I don't know about you, but I prefer people being nice to me. The world is a diverse community that deserves our regard and kindness. As Super-Stars, it is our job to spread the message; it is responsible to think, speak and act in a positive manner; and, it's the right thing to do. So, go forward as Polite, Courteous and Gracious individuals - it's a good habit to cultivate.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

World AIDS Day

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. December 1st is designated as World AIDS Day. This virus continues to plague millions of people around the world and many organizations are contributing in unparalleled ways to bring those who have the disease, and their family members, the various help they need just to survive another day. Many advances have been made in research and development to fight this dreaded ailment, but neither a cure nor a vaccine have as yet been discovered. Although, the advances in the pharmaceutical arena are offering hope for longer lives through proper medication combinations, these drugs do not work for everyone and AIDS is still a life-threatening diagnoses.

As a gay woman, I have seen first-hand the ravaging affects AIDS has had on my friends and the GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered) community as a whole. I have lost all my male friends from the 1980's era to the disease and I am very proactive in talking to the new friends I am making to ask them to please practice safe sex...all the time...every time! I will also tell you now that all people, gay or straight, should be doing the same...knowledge is power and I implore you to be informed and stay safe from all sexually transmitted diseases. You have the power to make a difference by being safe.

Please take the time to learn more about how you might help local organizations provide the services that are so desperately needed by so many. In these economically challenging times, the services these people depend upon are being compromised by budgets that are strained to their limits. A small donation, or even an hour of your time would mean so much to the people in need. I know that together we can make a difference...we're Super-Stars!

Please forward this posting to all your friends in order to help get this very important message out. THANK YOU!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for supporting and sharing the Super-Star message; I appreciate all you do to help make this a better world for us all. Now that the holiday season is truly upon us, life will likely be hectic for a couple of months...don't let this discourage you...take the time to be thankful for all the good things in the world and put a positive twist on all you think, say and make a difference everyday! Believe!

As you spend time with family and friends, celebrating the holidays, please take the time to look around at all of the splendor that is your life. Think about how all these people affect your life and, how you affect theirs. This time of year is especially important to really see the glory of your life, to realize the true impact your very presence makes and to be thankful for all of the blessings - big and small - that are an inherent part of who you are now and, how these things are shaping the person you are yet to be. Believe!

Shine in the Light of the holidays! Share the Light of the Super-Star ideals in your every thought, word and action...give thanks to all whom you encounter. Encourage the less fortunate with your Super-Star Light. Give the gift of a smile and laughter. Drop pennies here and there for children to find as a gift of luck. Give yourself, and others, the gift of forgiveness. Find ways to brighten a person's day. The gift of your love will always be treasured by those who receive it; hold the love they return close and cherish its warmth on a cold day. These are all things to be thankful for...BELIEVE!!!


Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Understanding and Compassion

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Understanding and Compassion, the first of the Super-Star acronym's ideals, are important parts of the broader mission, however, they are not limited to how we treat others...but, also to how we treat ourselves. It is paramount to the overall impact these attributes have on our everyday lives in how we project and use these qualities for their best effect and outcome. How do we become understanding and compassionate beings if we do not offer ourselves the same consideration? How, in this ever increasingly busy world, do we take the time to be understanding and compassionate? Why is it so important that we do indeed incorporate these qualities into good habits and act without conscious thought as a result?

It is easy to believe that we are such people...those who take the time needed without thought to our own help others. When we become focused on making understanding and compassion an integral part of who we are, it becomes second nature to be available when someone needs a shoulder to cry on, or when a situation arises that requires a soft touch or to simply offer someone an ear so that they can verbally unload their burden. Being an understanding and compassionate person helps heal the hurts of the world by taking them and smoothing the rough edges of despair and turning them into lessons of love.

In this same way, we are able to love ourselves by directing that same understanding and compassion toward our own problems; by realizing that we are also worthy of being loved. Sometimes we are hardest on ourselves...when we would easily offer someone else understanding and compassion for the same situation...but for ourselves, we criticize and berate our actions when what we really need to do is to remember that we are deserving of the same understanding and compassion that we readily give others. Loving yourself is just as important as loving accept less is a waste of time. Remember, promoting Love, Civility and Peace goes on and on...out from you and back to you: the ebb and flow of life.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Saluting Our Veterans

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Every year we honor and salute our Veterans, for their courage, honor and sacrifice for securing our freedom and peace, on Veteran's Day. My father was a fighter pilot in World War II in the Pacific arena on the U.S.S. Ommaney Bay aircraft carrier. There were many close calls from Kamikaze planes trying to sink the ship and, on January 4, 1945, a Japanese plane succeeded in its quest. As the carrier was aflame and sinking, my father was getting ready to jump ship when the fellow next to him told my dad he could not father told him to jump and then he would follow and save him...he did not let the sailor down, bringing him safely to one of the rope and cork life rafts.

My father rarely spoke of his travails during that time, but likened it to "just doing his job" for his country and fellow men. I wonder at the mental scars he must have lived with for so many years from that awful era, the friends lost in the process and how in the world he moved on from witnessing such awful brutality. However, he did not let it ruin his life and lived with the same sense of honor and pride of country until his last breath, in 2007. In a rebellious moment when I was twelve, in 1969/1970, I was drawing a Peace sign on a chalkboard with things like, "End the Vietnam War," and "Bring home our men." My father caught sight of the drawing and proceeded to sit me down and explain why we were at war and that, even though it was not a popular war, we were fighting for freedom, democracy and peace in a region that had little of those basic human rights. His intervention enlightened me to the plight of the people we were trying to save and, to the ultimate goal of peace. I continue to pray for a world of Love, Civility and Peace so that the world will avoid future conflict.

His explanation gave me pause to think more clearly on the reasons, even though I still did not think our nation should be fighting in Vietnam. He taught me the value of honoring the men that fought and how they should not be treated poorly upon their return, as many were during that fateful era. Time has thankfully passed and the fine Veterans of that war have been honored for their service and sacrifice. As our country is again at war, another unpopular one at that, I ask that you please honor all soldiers and their families for their sacrifice. Thank a Veteran wherever, and whenever, possible; everyday if the opportunity arises. Continue to push for Love, Civility and Peace in your everyday life and share the Super-Star message to the farthest reaching corners of the globe. Our respect, and the honor deserved by so many is worth the effort we put forth. Remember, thank a Veteran and salute them!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Milestone

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Yesterday's Presidential Election marks a new milestone in the history of this great nation, The United States of America. As a promoter of Love, Civility and Peace, I am certain that we are on a path toward a future full of promise toward that aspiration. I believe that we must continue to stand together in unity as a nation, showing the world that we are a caring population, that our diversity is their diversity - since most of us are descendants of other nations - and, that we are all one together; a true global community.

I am sure this momentous occasion is resounding around the globe with a message of hope that will encourage the world's leaders to face differences and challenges in an intelligent, thoughtful and compassionate manner. We must hold these leaders accountable to the peoples of the world; all of us are deserving of compassion, respect and accept less is to deny ourselves of the most basic of human rights and dignity. However, we must also hold ourselves accountable for the way we live our lives and contribute to our respective communities and, to how we treat each other.

The Super-Star message of promoting Love, Civility and Peace is a good place to start as we come together for the common good; lend a helping hand, offer encouragement wherever and whenever possible, comport yourself in the best sense of the Super-Star acronym's meaning. Go forward with faith in today and the future. Know that together we are mighty! We are SUPER-STARS!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Tribute

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Today, I honor my mother, on what would have been her eighty-fourth birthday. Unfortunately, she passed at the young age of sixty-two. She was an incredible person who was born at a Golf Club in Northern England to Scottish parents; a bonny mother and a golf professional father, who was the pro and manager of the Club where she was born. My grandparents and she immigrated to the United States in the mid 1920's to pursue the American dream. Her father was a much sought after golf professional due to his Scottish heritage, experience and high recommendation. They finally settled in New Jersey and he became the professional at the venerable Glen Ridge Country Club. As you can imagine, she was taught the game of golf from the time she was still in leading strings, just as we, her children, were in turn.

She excelled at the sport under her father's strict tutelage. By the time she was eighteen, she was a nationally ranked golfing star who brought much recognition to Glen Ridge. Although she always kept her amateur status, so she could continue to compete in local events, she was known during World War II as the "Glamour Girl" of American golfdom. At this young age, she was ranked third in the country against professional woman golfers such as, Patty Berg and Louise Suggs (a couple of the founder's of the Ladies Professional Golf Association), as well as many others of that era. Her beauty, grace and talent were lauded many times over in the press, but her true self was all that and so much more. I am proud of the impact she had in her day, but I am prouder of the impact she had on my siblings and me.

Her example taught us that proper English, etiquette and kindness are just a few of the foundations of a well-rounded person. We learned at an early age that all people are worthy of our regard; that every kindness we extended was actually a blessing to us; that our thoughts, words and actions define who we become as we grow; that to do less than our best is to cheat ourselves and the world of all we might have to offer. Her influence still resounds in my life. My mother was a Super-Star on, and off, the golf course. She was a beautiful person...a wonderful mother...a great golfer...a Glamour Girl!!! She is sorely missed, but still loved beyond measure.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Past, Present and Future

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Sometimes, things we have done in our past are brought up in order to make a point to us that we may not have previously discerned or, chose to ignore. When this happens, I wonder if we are paying attention so that we may realize the potential for making amends and therefore forgiving ourselves and any other parties involved. I wonder too, if the person bringing up the aforementioned past is also realizing their part in the situation and if they realize they too should help make amends so that all involved can move forward to a more understanding and loving place. Keep in mind though, the past can not be changed and must be accepted; in reality, it is our life's experience and hopefully we have learned the inherent lessons. Continually judging people on their past and never giving them a chance to prove they have moved on is a disservice to them and yourself.

The present is always challenging us to learn and grow and to use the lessons of our past to advantage; to finding new ways of dealing with the same types of situations that tend to come up time and again; to living a life in the here and now and not dwell or live in the past; to realizing our full potential; to helping others realize their hopes and dreams through encouragement and leadership; to making the best possible choices by using intelligent and thoughtful consideration; to taking responsibility for our actions; to not being afraid to admit our mistakes; essentially, to living to the best of our ability with every thought, word and action...everyday.

The future is yet to be and will always be just that...the future. It is the past and present that continually builds the foundation of our future...our yet to be present. We are the stewards of the Universe...our own world and, the world at-large...let's bring our best possible forward for our own good and the good of all. If we take the time to do just that, we are building a strong foundation upon which too create an even better future than we can imagine. Building a Super-Star life and reaping the rewards of a world of Love, Civility and Peace is worth anything...and everything!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Time is NOW!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. The time is NOW! Take the reins and lead the world to a higher vibration so that we realize the abundance of Love, Civility and Peace! The Universe needs our help...the time is NOW! Encourage yourself and others to join the Super-Star mission which will lift and continue to grow the Universe's vibrational energy. Together, we are mighty! The time is NOW!

Our thoughts, words and actions will collectively add to the cause. Believe you can make a difference. You make a difference everyday...just think about how other people have made an impact on your life and you too will easily see how important you are to your family and friends...and, in turn, to the world. We are all amazing creations of the Universe who are here for a reason. Do not doubt your worth!

Be a driving force toward a world of Love, Civility and Peace! Consciously engage in the mission to attain so much more than humanity ever thought possible. Know that we are all part of the equation...together we are the solution. Please stay focused on the goal of Love, Civility and Peace...the time is NOW!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I have come to realize that growing-up, or maturing, is a lifelong process. Whether you are at the beginning of your teen years, or in your twenties or thirties and beyond, there is an on-going process of realization that perhaps you may have behaved in an inappropriate manner. This realization is a key ingredient to the maturing process. Making amends and admitting those regressions to the people they have affected is paramount to growing-up and making adjustments. The thoughts, words and actions you choose and display in this process will directly steer you toward the kind of person you want to become; only you can make the choices for yourself as to who you are and what needs to be done to achieve your goals.

When I was a teenager, I thought I knew everything and that my parents did not. It dawned on me in my early twenties that perhaps I was mistaken in that belief and I readily apologized to my parents for my actions as a teenager. It is now that I realize my parents had already been teenagers themselves and that they knew much more than I gave them credit for and, that each generation goes through the same rites of passage as they grow into young adults. I have found that the notion that we are "All grown-up" because we have reached our twenties is continually challenged as I get older. When we finally realize maturing is a lifelong process, we are able to forgive ourselves, and others, for perceived mistakes and make amends in order to move on in life without guilt.

Learning the truth about how our own thoughts, words and actions really do affect ourselves and each other is an enlightening and powerful experience. The fact that we are, for the most part, all on the same journey we call "Life," gives us the opportunity to acknowledge how similar we are and, in that spirit of togetherness, that we are all at various levels of maturity; which is not necessarily determined by chronological age, but rather by each person's willingness to discover and grow with the lessons of "Life." Living a Super-Star life is a good place to start...the Universe will gratefully accept the positive choices we make!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Super-Star Life

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I am now into the ninth month of writing the Super-Star blog; consciously promoting Love, Civility and Peace as my life's theme and mission. The warm reception you have given this venture is genuinely appreciated; thank you all for your support, enthusiasm and, for taking to heart, and living, the ideals for which the Super-Star acronym stands. Our collective actions are making a difference in each and every one of our lives and in the Universal, I sincerely THANK YOU!

Take a moment to think about the many positive and inspiring messages that are now surrounding your existence. It is not your imagination - there is a reason these things are happening in your life - by going forward as a value-based individual, you are attracting those things that are in your highest good. The Universe is an amazing vibrational masterpiece that provides and brings back to us that which we put forth. Wow!

Living a Super-Star life may be challenging at times, however, rewards are rarely realized without correct and positive thought, words and deeds; the effort is worth your time; it's worth OUR time. All living things are valuable beyond measure and definitely worthy of our consideration, graciousness and compassion. You want no less in return: yes, the proverbial circle of life. The Universe's vibration continues to expand and welcome the ever increasing community of messengers who are spending their lives toward the common good of us all. Thank you for joining me on this incredible Super-Star journey...together, we are an unstoppable force of nature.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. This past week, Americans marked the seventh anniversary of the disaster of September 11, 2001. It is important to note that World Peace IS attainable through our thoughts, words and actions, just as is anything we want to accomplish. It is time to put aside differences and look at the broader picture of what a tranquil World stage would bring. It is time to put Peace as our first, and only, objective. Collectively, it is what all the peoples of the World desire and, I believe with my heart and soul, that together, we can achieve whatever we put our minds to in order to achieve our goals.

Peace breeds cooperation, understanding and compassion along with the other "Super-Star" acronym's ideals and more. It is time for us to promote Peace with every choice we make, with everything we have and, with every breath we take; to do less is to deprive ourselves and the Universe the most basic of human rights...the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, in a World of Peace. Close your eyes and send your thoughts of Peace into the Universe; the ripple effect of all of us doing so will cause the Universe to broaden its influence in that direction.

We are the ones, now is the time! Please take a moment each day to send thoughts of Peace into the Universe; our continued and persistent actions will certainly make a difference. There are many messengers, such as myself, who are working toward this goal. You too, are a messenger, whether you know it or not; you make a difference...together, we are mighty! Think Peace, say Peace, do Peace! THANK YOU!!!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well and, that you had a nice holiday weekend. This weekend saw the landfall of Hurricane Gustav in the upper Gulf least this time, the authorities were on-the-ball. Please send your prayers and support to those in need. Also, those of us living on the Southeast coast of Florida will appreciate your energies being spent on picturing storm free conditions for us for the remainder of the Hurricane Season...THANK YOU!

Labor Day weekend is the "unofficial" start of Autumn and, the end of Summer in many regions. The holiday seems to have morphed into just another three-day weekend workers look forward to while not really acknowledging the reason behind the holiday. I have to admit, I like all three-day weekend holidays too. I do, however, like to ponder the basis for the various holidays, national and religious alike. Labor Day, designated for the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is also a Canadian tradition. If not for the achievements of the pioneers of the labor movement, I can only imagine what our working conditions might be; we owe a huge debt of gratitude to those from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as well as those who continue the struggle for worker's rights around the world in this, the twenty-first century.

As "Super-Stars," I believe it is appropriate for us to lend our thoughts, voices and actions to the cause of worker's rights. We live in an era that has seen many corporate abuses, but at the same time, many businesses are getting the message that doing the right thing is actually more profitable. There is a wonderful book that I highly recommend which speaks directly to this new phenomenon...businesses that are changing the world by using the principles outlined in, The Art of Original Thinking, The Making of a Thought Leader, by Jan Phillips. Ms. Phillips shows in her book how time and again that corporations, which are changing the way they do business, are evolving with the changing culture of a Global Community and the impact we all have. Remember, as Super-Stars, we are all one large Universal family and, that we too impact our world.

Think - Live - Be - A Super Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

p.s. For more information about Jan Phillips, go to:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I wrote a blog posting about friendship on April 28, 2008. I must admit that I have not done a very good job of staying in touch with my friends, nor have I spent much time since then cultivating new friendships, as I advocated so doing in that blog. Today, my best friend from High School, is celebrating a birthday or, more likely, bemoaning getting older. We have had our ups and downs over the years...I would say most of the "downs" were when we were young and ignorant...hmmm, I guess getting older does have its advantages. Anyhow, this blog posting is dedicated to my friend Curt.

Remember, my friend, that a laugh is just a call away; that my shoulders are always strong enough to carry your burdens for awhile; that the memories we share will always be treasured ones; that just the sound of your voice can make me smile; that your secrets are still in my vault; that you are still on a pedestal as far as I'm concerned; that I think of you often and wonder how you are and what you might be doing; that knowing we still stay in touch, after all these years, means the world to me; that you are loved more than you know; that I will always be here for you; that I love that when we talk, we seem to simply pick up the conversation where we left off; that today of all days is special because you were brought into the world; and, had that not happened, who knows where I would be...your friendship changed my life...even saved my certainly made High School bearable.

Today, my best friend from High School will become older than me for just over a month. Yes, I know, I must respect my elders...LOL. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Curt!!! You're the best and I know with age you are getting better...just like a smooth French Cognac or bottle of fine wine. With some things, older is better. THANK GOD! By the way, perhaps it's time we set-up at least a monthly weekend phone call to keep our friendship alive and fresh. Then, we will be able to honor the friendship that got us through High School and beyond. Love ya. Ciao!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, August 22, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Whether we make a mistake or do something spectacular, we are accountable for our actions. Everyday choices have a profound impact on our lives. When we err, it is important to make amends and repair any damage we may have done...this is especially important when dealing with people...loved ones, acquaintances and co-workers alike. To tell someone we are sorry, admitting our fault, and to ask for their forgiveness is the ultimate act of accountability and, a brave and right action. Hopefully, a relationship has not been damaged beyond repair, but if it has, you may go forward knowing that you took the courageous path. Keep in mind that a forgiving heart is a warm heart.

On the other hand, when we have accomplished something of note, it is ourselves to whom we are accountable. You will be most successful when you strive for the excellence that will feed your own satisfaction and not for the adulation of others. In the end, it is ourselves we must live with and, we will sleep much better knowing we have done our best. Yes, it is nice to get recognition for our accomplishments, but in the end it is ourselves we must acknowledge and love unconditionally; to do so, allows us to love others equally well. Keep in mind, it is also a good thing for us to congratulate those who have excelled or had something wonderful happen to them; being happy for an other's achievement is a loving action.

So, as you go forward in your daily activities, remember to take responsibility for your actions. Be brave enough to admit fault. Be open to an other's need to be forgiven...just as you will need that same reaction from time to time. Accountability is an important part of the "Super-Star" journey; be sure to give yourself room for thoughtful consideration of your actions and how they have affected your environment; be ready to take the brave and right action. Be thankful for all your blessings, and the blessings of others. Go forward promoting Love, Civility and Peace.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Milestones: The Life Markers We Hold Dear

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. The variety of milestones each of us have had mark significant advances we have made along this journey we call life. Losing your first tooth and waiting for the "Tooth Fairy" to leave money under our pillow; starting beginning in this was fraught with much drama but that is another story...okay, I spit in the teacher's face the first day...yes, quite the little hellion, but my older brother had scared the living daylights out of me and I was scared...I'm not sure that the teacher, Mrs. Swanson, was quite ready for the likes of me, but we ended up having a good year...I really was a nice little least that was what Mrs. Swanson wrote on her end-of-the-year note to me. Anyhow, back to our milestones...each year we celebrate many occasions; birthdays, anniversaries, religious events depending on our faith and any number of other significant events along the way.

Some of these events become precious memories which we treasure forever, some are forgotten as we grow older and perhaps become less attuned to what might have once been important to us, and yet others become things that always bring a good laugh...just like that first day of Kindergarten always does for me (please, go ahead, laugh all you want.) That wasn't a very "Super-Starry" kind of day for me, but I learned that spitting at your teacher was not a very nice thing to do nor, to do to anyone else for that matter. The point is that the memories we make are determined by the choices we have made. How we remember these events is influenced by how we thought and felt about the happening. And, the more important the event is to us, the more details we will remember and treasure.

My Step-Grandmother is turning an amazing 100 years old August 14th; most of the extended family of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and others from near and far are gathering this weekend to celebrate her birthday. I can only imagine the many milestones her life must hold. The good times and bad, the gifts that life gives and the losses endured, the transformation the world has seen since 1908; two World Wars, the Great Depression, and countless events and history witnessed during such a long-lived life. We too are making our own history each day we live and breathe. Are we making good choices? Are our thoughts and feelings being used to the good? Are we living a "Super-Star" life? I believe Nana would appreciate knowing that we are always doing the best we are able to make the world a better place. Happy Birthday, go girl!!!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Universal Teamwork

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Teamwork is described as, "Work done in harmony by a group of people for a common cause." The 2008 Summer Olympics opened in China yesterday amid much fanfare and an incredible opening ceremony which, in my opinion, was truly a masterpiece of creative teamwork. Many of the sporting contests will require intense teamwork, while others will be determined by the ability of a lone athlete; yet, it is through the teamwork of coaches and such that the lone athlete has reached the pinnacle of competing at such a coveted event as the Olympics.

Consider the strength a Worldwide team promoting Love, Civility and Peace would accomplish. Imagine millions, and even the billions, of people around the globe working in concert to reach the goal of a "Super-Star" world. Yes, there is much to be settled between the various peoples of this planet Earth. However, living a "Super-Star" life, promoting Love, Civility and Peace by a coordinated Universal Team would surely bring about infinite results and allow the world to realize a brighter future.

I believe the role of "Super-Stars" is to bring about a world of Love, Civility and Peace and is more than worth the effort. The many Olympians on the verge of showing the world just how much their dedication to training, coupled with their intense desire to achieve their best, is a fine example of what is needed to succeed in any arena. Let's all practice Universal Teamwork as "Super-Stars" promoting a world of Love, Civility and Peace!!! "Work done in harmony by a group of people for a common cause."

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Weather

Hello Super Stars! I hope you are all doing well. For me, Summer tends to drag on and on as I wait for the cooler days of Autumn and Winter to bring their refreshing breezes and clear the oppressive humidity that is Summer in Florida. In the North, many spend the Winter hibernating and avoiding the cold...wishing for warmer days. The point is that we seem to be always wishing for the next thing and not enjoying what is today. It doesn't matter what the weather outside is...what matters is what the weather inside is...the weather inside of ourselves.

Regardless of the weather outside, we do have control over the weather of our own making; the weather inside ourselves. Some days it's sunny and bright...other days seem to go from one dark storm to another. We have the power to change our weather by not accepting the latter; but, by taking a moment to take a deep breath and redirect our thoughts into actions that support a sunnier outlook; a brighter day.

When we choose Light over dark, we have chosen wisely and, the outcome of our encounters along the road of life will reflect this Light back to us in many unforeseen and unseen ways. The Universal vibrations support and reflect back to us all that we have put forth. I am not perfect, but I do consciously try to always put my best thoughts and actions out there and I am pleasantly surprised, and grateful, by the Universe's response. Promoting Love, Civility and Peace has its rewards...the weather is beautiful, sunny and bright!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The "Genuine" Factor

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. The level of the "Genuine" factor in everything we think, say, or do has a direct impact on the people with whom we are interacting, on ourselves and, on the Universe. Take a minute to consider this theory. If everything in the Universe is connected in some way and, if everything that happens has direct impact to the whole and, if any one of us is not being "Genuine" toward our contribution to that does that affect the whole or, the Universe?

Take all the time you need to wrap your brain around that one. What I mean is that everything and EVERYONE matters...we are all connected in some way. I mean that we must be present in each moment in order to be fully engaged in that moment. I mean that taking a minute to actually listen to the response from someone when you ask one of those "automatic" questions like, "How are you?" matters. Being "Genuine" MATTERS!

A "Genuine" spirit is appreciated by family and friends because they know by our words and actions that we sincerely love them. The natural result of a "Genuine" way of living is a life which is lived from a central point of Love. Truly living your life from that viewpoint will be a life well lived...a life built on values...a life that is GENUINE! The Universe needs more people who positively impact the, be "Genuine!" Another natural result is being a Super-Star...promoting Love, Civility and that's "Genuine!"

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Getting it Right

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Today's post is compliments of

A young boy was sitting in the back seat of the car eating an apple. He poked his father in the front seat and asked, "Daddy, why does my apple turn brown?" His father answered, "When the skin is removed from the apple, air reaches the flesh of the apple and causes oxidation. This changes the apple's molecular structure and results in a brownish color. After a long pause, a small voice from the back seat asked, "Daddy, are you talking to me?"

I know how that boy feels. Sometimes I want answers to some of those confusing problems we all run up against. I want someone to explain how to get through difficult times or tell me what to do in a tough situation. I just want to get it right. But I think I identify a bit more with the father whose daughter asked him if he would help her with some homework. "I'm sorry," he replied. "It wouldn't be right." "Well," she said, "at least you could try."

"Problem is, I don't always have the answers I need. And nobody else seems to, either. So I blunder ahead worried that I'll never get it "right." But I'm beginning to learn something about not knowing what to do and making a poor choice. That is -- I don't HAVE TO always get it right. I don't have to always know what to do all the time. All I really need to do is try my best, learn from the mistakes and go on. The affable Dr. Leo Buscaglia once said, "No one gets out of this world alive, so the time to live, learn, care, share, celebrate, and love is now." Which is pretty hard to do when you're waiting for the answers, you got it wrong. You made a mistake. So what? Forgive yourself and try again. Even if you don't get out of this world alive, you can get plenty of life out of this world if you're not too worried about always getting it right.-- Steve Goodier at:

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. The United States of America's fore-fathers and patriots knew that independence for this "New World" was the only way it could, and would, prosper and grow. Without independence, or freedom, life is smothered and will eventually cease to reach its potential. Really, we could have called this holiday, "Freedom Day," and the meaning would still stand. Around the world today, many people are still fighting for their freedom and independence from tyranny and aggression. Some fighting has been going on for so many years, and in so many places, that I think perhaps its time to put forth our energies toward finding peaceful ways to reach the much desired goal of independence.

Martin Luther King, Jr. had the right idea when he preached about engaging in peaceful ways to achieve the desired goal of equality and freedom...the independence to live your life to its fullest potential; and, in-turn, he knew the community and country would also prosper as a result; just as our fore-fathers envisioned the United States as an independent country. Fighting and war bears brutality, struggle and strife. However, Peace and prosperity go hand-in-hand so...let's choose PEACE!

So, rejoice in the independence we enjoy...ring the freedom in joyous reverence the fireworks which illustrate the celebration of our country's Independence!!! Pray for the peoples of the world who are still seeking the freedom to live a full and prosperous life and, that they will find salvation in that freedom. Go forward with Love, Civility and PEACE!!! Then one day there truly will be PEACE ON EARTH!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light, and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Don't forget to get your Super-Star on: ...then, scroll down to, and click on, the "Buy Now" button. Thanks for your support!!!

(A personal note...I feel it is unfortunate, however, that the Native American culture of this land was decimated in the process of the United States seeking its independence, but I am glad the Native community was not completely wiped-out and is now revered as should have been done from the beginning.)

Friday, June 27, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I have written about discrimination in several of my blog postings, but I feel the topic is worth revisiting whenever possible. Discrimination is the result of many variables and, in some cases, is taught as a way of life. The root of this problem is the judgment made against another just because of their skin color or ethnic background, the way they look (IE. over- or under-weight, not outwardly attractive, or the way they dress, etc.), or any number of other reasons. The bottom line is that I wonder why we spend so much time judging others? Are we so deficient in our own self-esteem that we must put others down in order to lift our own egos?

Think about how you would feel if you were the person being judged...would you be self-conscious, would you always be worrying what others thought of you and, would you carry the burden of that scrutiny? Or, are you confident of who you are as a person? If you are confident in yourself, regardless of what another may think, I believe you will find happiness and abundance in this life. Please don't let what another thinks rule or sway the decisions you make on how to live your life. Your life is your own. If you do the best you are able to everyday, then you are doing your part to enable the Universe's ebb and flow to consistently find balance.

Judgment of others is a bad habit that is worth eradicating from your life. Pay attention to your thoughts and actions and refine them in order to add Love, Civility and Peace to the Universal flow. The continual adjustments we make to live a value-driven life in order to attract the best possible outcome for our own existence is worth our time and dedication. A "Super-Star" life is a work of art that is constantly being adjusted, rethought and redirected to attract the Universe's best attributes.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

p.s. Don't forget...Super-Star Posters are now on SALE! Go to ...then, scroll down to, and click on, the "Buy Now" button.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Poster Sale!!!

The Super-Star Poster is now ON SALE!!!

Just $9.00* - SHIPPING INCLUDED!!!
(*Florida Sales Tax added where applicable)

This is an 18” x 24” professionally designed and printed piece of art. Its vibrant full-color and eye-catching image is printed on 100# gloss text stock with UV protective coating. This poster is perfect for the business or home office, the children’s homework area or as an inspirational gift.

The Super-Star acronym's message is a powerful reminder of the personal values that are of the utmost importance in today’s ever changing and challenging world; promoting Love, Civility and Peace is a worthy endeavor for any environment. Living the ideals its message represents will enrich your life beyond measure.

To see a sample and purchase your very own Super-Star Poster please go to: ...then, scroll down to, and click on, the "Buy Now" button.

Thank you for supporting the Super-Star cause and promoting this important message! Please share this opportunity with all of your family and friends.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

(Quantity discounts are available and, we also work with Non-Profit Organizations and Youth Groups to enhance their fund-raising possibilities and capabilities...please email: for more details on this aspect of Poster sales.)

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Appreciating the people in our lives is an important part of the process of nurturing our relationships and promoting Love. We may show our appreciation in a variety of ways - verbally, with actions or, a combination of both. It is important to let our family members know how much we appreciate having them in our lives and letting them know we love them, even when they might not act as we wish they would. Their decisions are their own and it is up to us to respect those decisions. Either way, appreciating our family members nurtures them but, is also self-serving because the benefit of Love is never wasted.

Appreciating our spouses or extension of our family important so that they know we are not taking them for granted; that they know having them in our lives is important and special; that they know we choose to be with them because of our Love for them and more. It is just as important to receive appreciation in return for all those reasons. Love is the bond of the relationship; however, knowing you are appreciated and, being reminded that you are, will definitely strengthen the relationship.

Our friends are also an important and vital part of our lives. Taking the time to let them know how much their friendship means to us is paramount to maintaining a healthy and lasting bond. We Love our friends for who they are and hopefully we wisely choose those with whom we intend to spend time and emotional expense. Trust and Love will bear out in the long-term. Just remember to appreciate those people in your life who have impact and whom you Love; the reward will be worth the effort.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Flag Day and Father's Day

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Today is the 231st anniversary of the creation of the flag of the United States of America, in 1977. The United States flag means various things to different people, but essentially, it represents the symbolism of the freedom and unity this country fought for, and attained, so many years ago. The founding fathers and their steadfast dedication to creating "A More Perfect Nation" is still, to this day, a work in progress. Today, however, I say, "Happy Flag Day," to all the Super-Stars of this great country; and, other Countries around the world that have embraced democracy...past, present and future.

The responsibility to uphold and fine-tune the ideals that were set forth in the United States Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights is an on-going process which must be addressed with human rights, dignity and freedom as the foundation upon which together we will build a better world. The Universe is depending on all Super-Stars to help in the formation of "A More Perfect World," through our thoughts and actions. Every one of us has the power to transform our world. Always strive to be and expect the best; this is the power that will spread the Light.

This is also Father's Day Weekend and I would like to pay tribute to my father, who passed away last year. He was a wonderful man who was a Gentleman, an avid and passionate golfer and, someone who lived a values-driven life...a Super-Star in his own right. I miss him and will always be grateful for his fine example and the many lessons I learned over the years of what it means to have values and how to live by them. He was also a patriot who believed strongly in Country and honor. Happy Father's Day, Dada...I know you are on the links in Heaven having as fine a round of golf as you ever imagined. What's that...a hole-in-one on every hole? I knew you had it in you! Love, hugs and kisses from your baby girl.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

p.s. Prayers and sympathy to the family of Tim Russert as they grieve the loss of a great son, brother, husband and father. Tim, you too were a Super-Star who lived a full life in such a short will be missed and mourned by millions. Thank you for your service to the world.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Peace In Our Lifetime

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Peace, the seemingly ever elusive worldwide existence, is just around the corner; we need only look inside our collective hearts to find the solution. Our yearning to enjoy worldwide Peace is over when we speak with love and understanding; when we respect the ideas and ideals of others, as they respect ours; and, when hate is conquered by the love that lies within. Peace is not a dream, but a realized outcome of the work of all Super-Stars.

Peace in our lifetime is a reality that we must continue working toward; which is only a breath away; which we must believe is happening NOW! Putting the energy into the Universe that Peace has already taken hold is the key to its being. The Universe is depending on our collective thoughts and actions in order to settle the long-standing disputes that are now being resolved to the satisfaction of all involved. Our differences, and our common goals alike, are the bedrock of Peace. Without the ebb and flow of these opposites the world would be out-of-balance.

Spread the Peace with your very being; be the catalyst that is Peace incarnate; be the Peace that the Universal flow is spreading as we live and breathe. Peace is descending upon the world by leaps and bounds because of your work and energy. Keep the energy focused and strong with your belief that Peace is at last in the here and NOW! Peace in our lifetime is a reality we must believe is around the corner if we would just look and see.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Civil Rights

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. The month of June is symbolic of many historical Civil Rights accomplishments, as well as a time of celebration for other significant civility causes. June 6, 1944 saw the invasion of Normandy as the Allied forces invaded France to battle the Nazi regime and realize the eventual victory for the European Continent over oppression and genocide, which had been waged by tyrannical fanatics; the result of much sacrifice for the cause of civility and peace.

June 14th celebrates the adoption of the United States' flag, in 1777, as a symbol of our nation's freedom as a country. The flag has evolved and changed over these many years, just as America has done. Many civil rights's conquests have been waged and realized. Just this week, the Democratic National Committee has chosen an African-American gentleman, Barack Obama, to be the nominee of their party for the general Presidential election. Today, Senator Hillary Clinton graciously conceded her defeat in the Primary process; but again, having a woman as a Presidential candidate is historically significant and ground-breaking. We are witnessing history as we continue to move forward as a nation.

June is also the month that Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) people celebrate Pride events, which are being held around the country, to promote civil rights in that arena. As a lesbian, this topic is especially personal to me; I am a proud American and feel I am entitled as such to the many rights enjoyed, and taken for granted, by my heterosexual counterparts and friends. Yes, the cause for civil rights is ongoing; prejudice is alive and well...not just in America, but around the world, and I feel it is our responsibility to continue the push forward until ALL people are treated with respect and dignity. Promoting Love, Civility and Peace as a Super-Star is worth the effort, and history will eventually tell the story of our continued and combined conquests.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, May 31, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Although the Summer equinox has not officially passed, the Memorial Day weekend marked the traditional, or "unofficial" start of the season. This year, many of us will be staying close to home as we watch our budgets with the rising cost of travel; this presents a good time for us to spend more time with family and friends; time to reach out to old friends we have not seen or talked to in a while; and, time to review our own life's path - our own seasonal house-cleaning.

Taking the time for reflection and planning is a necessary task to keep ourselves on an even keel; and, it can be invigorating to make plans that take us down new paths, which we may not have thought of otherwise. Adjusting our plans may lead to improving and fulfilling changes - just as the season's change - sometimes the seasons of our existence need change as well. Although change might not come easily, it is often the best course of action. Be brave as the seasons of your life unfold. Think of the flower that blooms in its time - the changes wrought in the process produce a beautiful picture of nature at its best.

We are all products of nature and the Universe and, we are meant to bloom as we grow. We are beautiful beings who are capable and deserving of weathering our changing seasons with grace and love, with positive outcomes and prosperity and, with continued growth and flourishing lives as we make our way in the world. Promoting Love, Civility and Peace, as a daily practice of thought and action, will enhance your ability to reach your goals and the seasons of your life will thrive as a result.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy Memorial Day! Remember to thank a Veteran today. As you know, I support and promote Peace; however, these are the people who have put their lives on the line for us and our freedom in the past, and present...please continue to promote Peace every day so that they will not have to sacrifice further. Let the world come together in remembrance and PEACE!

Peace is garnered through friendship and diplomacy. Take the time to promote Love, Civility and Peace in everything you everything you do...and then, allow the Universe to settle the dust of reconciliation one speck at-a-time. Love will win the day...Civility will be a natural by-product...and, Peace will reign!

I know that the Super-Stars of the world are working toward this lofty goal. We need everyone to join the crusade. Every time we come together for the common good of the Universe, we are making an incredible difference; one person at-a-time, one day at-a-time...we ARE the energy that is supporting the Universal shift toward PEACE. Join the crusade now!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sincerity and Compassion

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Sincerity is described as, "A state or quality of being sincere." I believe we try to be sincere, or honest, in all of our day-to-day interactions with others but, that there are times when compassion may interfere with our quest to be sincere. Compassion is described as, "Sorrow for the suffering of others." Our sincere intentions may be sidetracked by our compassion for not wanting to hurt another. I have had first-hand experience with this dilemma.

My whole life I have tried to live by the ideals of the Super-Star acronym. Basically, to just be nice and polite; to be sincere and honest; to be understanding and compassionate; however, I have found that these Super-Star qualities are sometimes counteractive to each other. It is at times impossible to reconcile two opposing actions because the result is hurtful or, produces complete inaction.

The crossroads we face when confronted with being sincere, but also compassionate, may make it difficult to decide which road to take but, if we are careful, we may very well be able to take both roads in the end. First, be sincere...then, be compassionate to how your sincerity has affected the other party. Hopefully, your compassion will heal the wounds your sincerity may have created. When you show how much you really do care, most people will understand that you were not being malicious and that your intentions were honorable. Please be kind to one another in a sincere and compassionate manner.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Consideration directly affects the promotion of Love, Civility and Peace. When we take into account how our thoughts and actions influence the people and the world around us, we are being considerate of them, but also of ourselves. The saying, "What goes around, comes around," is an apt description of how what you put into life will come back to you. If you are considerate and polite to others as a usual practice, you should expect and accept no less in return.

Core values, that promote Love, Civility and Peace and, which are the driving force behind your daily thoughts and actions, will definitely produce positive results in your life. When your life is going well, it is most likely because you have been considerate, thoughtful and respectful in your daily activities. Pay attention to how your thoughts and actions affect you and, those you love. I think you will find the correlation significant.

Being considerate, versus being selfish and malicious, will always win the day. Promoting Love, Civility and Peace is a way of life that will pay untold dividends if it is the life path you choose. The core values represented are a solid foundation on which you can always depend for a sure basis of thought and action. Consideration goes a long way in defining who you are and how you live you life.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy Mother's Day! Treasure the one who brought you into this world. A mother's love is never ending; you will always feel her near you and in your heart, whether she still breathes or has passed. My siblings and I lost our mother over twenty-one years ago; her love, compassion and wisdom continues through our daily lives and actions. This posting is dedicated to you, Mom.

You taught us to respect everyone, to be polite and courteous, and to love life. Your example of greatness, which you lived as the "Glamour Girl" of the women's golf tour in the 1940's, showed us that we too could reach for the stars...that we could do anything we wanted if we applied ourselves to the task...and, you inspired us all to do our best (even though it took me longer than you wished!)

I know we will always hold you in our hearts and that your spirit lives on in each of us...thank you for being you and for teaching us what really matters, as well as the values that guide our everyday lives. You were a true Super-Star in every way; sacrificing so much in order that we would have every opportunity to learn and excel. Here's to you Mom!

Love your mother as you love no other...just as she loves you!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I used to think my parent's generation was out of touch with mine; I was a little late for my coveted "Hippie" life...I was only twelve at the height of that, my generation was of the "Disco" age. I have to admit, I still love the music of that era as well as the rock and roll of that time too. I believe my parents were loyal to the "Big Band" music of their generation, just as I find myself loyal to the music of my youth. I am intrigued, however, at how music defines moments in our lives, as well as the generations they represent.

An old song can take me back to a happy, or sad, time; or, a new song may define what is happening in my life now and I know when I hear it in the future I will remember this time in my life. Music is a medium that can bring the generations together if we would only let those feelings it elicits into our lives. I am hopeful that the generations to come will listen to our music and learn about who we were and about the struggles and triumphs we accomplished as the words of our generation's music depicts and, I hope we can learn about the up-and-coming generation by being open to listening to their music and what it represents to them.

The tapestry that has been, and continues to be, woven by the music of all generations is a beautiful melody of the evolution of the human spirit. If we listen closely we will hear echoes of how the world has grown and of how the Universe is answering us through the many artists who have contributed to this amazing medium of melody, thought and reflection. Listen to the music, feel the beat in your heart, sing the words that speak to you and hold them close...they resound through us and lend to our state of being. Let it be a happy and loving sense of truth. Let the generations come together in song!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Friendship and Love

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Friends are the people with whom we choose to spend time, as they do with us. The bond of love that is created by and holds these relationships together is precious and well worth cultivating. I had the wonderful opportunity this weekend of meeting and spending time with a couple who had previously been acquaintances from a church I used to attend and, who I now hope and pray will become lifelong friends.

These two beautiful people are spiritually centered and obviously live their lives from a position of love. They shared their warmth and caring with me even though we had not seen each other for over 10 years and, had never been what could be considered friends; I was truly touched by their generosity of spirit and love. I will always treasure what I am sure is only the beginning of a truly special friendship.

Friends may come and go through our lives, but staying devoted to cultivating and maintaining these relationships will ultimately add more to our lives. The time and love that you give into any relationship will, for the most part, come back to you in abundance. Love is the universal bond that holds us all together as a world and, the more we share...the more we shall I say, "Share, share, share!!!"

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With light, love and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Esteem of self, others and all living things, takes into consideration high regard, value and worth. We tend to value others more than we value ourselves, but we are all worthy of esteem; even ourselves. It is important that we remember to love, respect and honor ourselves as much as we do others.

When we love ourselves it allows us to more fully extend love; we must respect ourselves by expecting, and accepting, nothing less in return; and, we honor ourselves by taking care of ourselves first...this may sound selfish, but it is not; selfish acts are malicious and hateful. Taking care of yourself first will allow you the strength to help others when you are able.

Esteem of all living things, and Mother Earth, is considerate, valuable and worthy of our time and effort. Promote Love, Civility and Peace for a better world; the Universe will respond with blessings and harmony. Happy Earth Day.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star

With love, light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. The foundation of every relationship is built on trust. I know I have written of this before, but I felt a review wouldn't hurt. Imagine the foundation on which your house is built...if the foundation cracks, it can be fixed with filler, but the scar of that filler will always be clearly evident...a scar that will never go away. Sure, the house still stands and you may never have another problem, but you will always wonder at the stability of your house.

Relationships are similar in so much as when you break some one's trust, or they break yours, the relationship foundation may be repaired with work, but it will simply never be the same. You, or they, will always wonder if the truth is being spoken; if the honor has been upheld; if questions will always linger; if the scar will ever fade. Perhaps in time, but then again, you may always be wondering if the foundation is holding up.

Trust is to be given freely until proven otherwise...then caution will most likely prevail for all time. Be careful as you build the foundations of your relationships, the foundations of your life...make them strong and keep them scar free. The effort is worth the time. Remember, the truth is easy, you don't have to remember anything; however, lies require work and more lies...really, they are just not worth the effort, and obviously, not in the best interest of the foundation of your life and who you are as a person.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Embrace Today

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Embrace today...for it is all we ever really have. Empower yourself with your hopes and dreams...but live them moment at a time. Enjoy your family and friends and, enjoy YOURSELF! Be happy in whatever you do and think, for the impact those actions and thoughts have on the Universe is immeasurable.

Know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and, that everything which has come before, has prepared you for this very minute in time. Be true to your values and they will pay you untold are receiving payment right matter what your endeavor.

Promote Love, Civility and Peace in everything you do, every action you take and every thought you have and together we can make the world a better place. Embrace today.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Love, Civility and Peace

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I would like to get your feedback on what subjects pertaining to the Super-Star mission and cause you would like to hear more about. What concerns you in this ever challenging world in which we live? Are there other sideline subjects which you consider important to cover in this venue? What do you want out of this adventure of pursuing and creating Love, Civility and Peace in the world?

Please email me with your personal requests or your stories and, please state whether or not you want me to credit you with the idea or if you prefer to remain anonymous at:

I am truly interested in your are also welcome to leave a comment on the blog at:
Comments are also able to be left anonymously, if that is your preference.

I ask too, that you please share and forward this blog posting/email with your online friends so they may also have the opportunity to contribute. I look forward to hearing from you all. In the meantime...have a GRAND day!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, April 4, 2008

The MLK Dream

Hello again Super-Stars! I don't usually write two blogs back-to-back, but I thought it only appropriate to follow-up the blog about "Dreaming" with a note about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was assassinated 40 years ago today. His "Dream" lives on...thank GOD! It is hard to believe it has already been so many years, yet his vision has come so very far to unite our country and has impacted the world in countless ways.

As Super-Stars, I encourage you to continue the cause for civil rights for all people in every corner of the world; to do less is to deprive millions, perhaps even billions, of people their right to freedom and justice. As an American, I am proud of the work that has been done in the ensuing years since this great man's death and, I look forward to promoting Love, Civility and Peace through this venue and other works.

Please join me on this incredible journey for humankind. Raise the conscious vibration of the Earth and Universe with good words and good work. Respect all people regardless of their background or affiliation. The future promises good and prosperous opportunities for all if we are willing to come together for the common good of everyone. The time is now.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Dreaming comes in many forms; the hopes and aspirations we have for ourselves and others, the subconscious imaginings of our sleep time and, the conscious meanderings - or daydreaming - we do all the time. Dreaming is a good thing; it gives us hope and the opportunity to imagine a better future for ourselves and the world. It is an energy that is not wasted on the Universe, which hears and feels the energy of our dreams.

However, it is important that we stay in the present and not live in the dream world we imagine we want. We must believe the Universe will provide for our dreams and leave it at that; allowing for the flow of the dream energy to come back when we least expect it - when the time is exactly right. Hard work and diligence, coupled with sound values, will open the path for that energy to come back around.

Keep dreaming. Keep your hopes alive and well. Share the bounty you reap with those less fortunate; the more you sow, the more your yield will increase. The energy of the Universe is immense and infinite; never ending, always flowing and, ever increasing. Go with the flow.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

p.s. Don't forget...Super-Star Posters are now available...go to: to get your own inspirational reminder of the Super-Star principles to display at home or in the workplace. They also make great gifts!

Monday, March 31, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Today, I would like to address patience. In today's increasingly busy world, it is hard to find the patience to deal with so many of the things that seem to be rushing our way. Multi-tasking has become commonplace, but at the same time, it is becoming intolerable. The demands on our time continue to intrude on our peace-of-mind. Many people are fighting the good battle, but their patience is sorely tested.

We witness this trend in our own lives and the lives of our family and friends; in the way we and others drive - seemingly without thought to the safety of others - just so we get where we need to go as soon as possible; irritation that is easily riled by any number of situations, somewhat like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland - always late and in a hurry - with no time to waste; time has become a precious commodity, which is readily savoured when there is a break to be had. However, living a life based on the Super-Star principles requires immense patience.

Patience comes easily to some of us, but to others, it is a trial of the highest order. Patience can be cultivated with practice and diligence and I believe, is worth the effort. To not have patience with someone is to not be understanding, compassionate, polite or even helpful. I'll grant you, there are at times, limits to what we are able to endure, but if you are as patient as possible, the rewards may surprise you. Have the patience to slow down and smell the roses. Have the patience to help another. Have the patience to be a conscientious driver for safety's sake...the life you save may be your own.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Are You a Friend in Debt?

Hello Super-Stars. I hope you are all doing well. Are you a friend in debt? By that, I mean do you keep track of the favors you have done for others, expecting something in return? Do you feel resentment when you ask a friend - whom you have helped in the past - for help, and they are unable, for whatever reason, to be there when you need them? Have you never been in a position in which someone asks for your assistance and you are simply not able to help as you would surely prefer? Most of us have been in the position of needing our family or friends for support of some kind; whether it is emotional, financial or otherwise. Usually they, or we, are there when a need arises but, sometimes not.

I think it is important to go through life just doing what you can when you are able and not expect anything in return. If you see a need, offer help before they have to ask, if you are able. When we live our lives in this way - and then find ourselves in a position of need - it tends to turn out that miraculously exactly what we need will come our way, even when we have to ask for help. It is important to understand that if you believe and have faith, the Universe will provide what you need...not necessarily what you want...but, what you NEED...there is a significant difference.

Please don't hold a grudge against anyone for not doing your bidding. Believe that people do care about and love you no matter what. Don't keep track of favors - it is not in your best interest. Help as you are able, without expectation or debt. Live in the freedom of being and doing the best you can everyday. Nurture your relationships with others and rejoice in the reward of being a good friend, a good person and, a Super-Star!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love, light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

p.s. Super-Star Posters are now available...go to: to get your own inspirational reminder of the Super-Star principles to display at home or in the workplace. They also make great gifts!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thank You!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well and had a wonderful weekend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the support and encouragement I have received since beginning this Super-Star web-site endeavor. I am truly blessed!

As I thank you, I ask you to remember to thank those who inspire you, as I am so very inspired by you. I am inspired by your faith in me and my mission of spreading Love, Civility and Peace. I am in awe of the response you have shown by sharing this site with your family and friends. I am forever indebted to you for taking the time to share my Super-Star message.


Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Good Friday and Easter

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I wanted to send my best wishes for a wonderful Good Friday and Easter weekend to everyone. Although my Super-Star mission is for all people; those who are faith-based, those who may still be searching their souls for their own answers and life direction and, those who may be atheist or agnostic. The Super-Star message is Universal and I believe it transcends all theological teachings or beliefs.

Although I am a faith driven individual, my purpose for promoting Love, Civility and Peace, through the Super-Star venue, is because of my faith in the human spirit, my belief that with a value-based life we can all get along and live in harmony, that to do, and be, less than the best we are able each day, is to deny ourselves and the world of the immense possibilities we each contribute; as well as, the consequences of those possibilities. I believe the effect and impact our thoughts and actions make on the world creates ripples, and circles, of hope.

I am not a theologian, minister or preacher and, I am not interested in pushing my religious beliefs on anyone. I believe the choice to be spiritual, or not, is a personal one and, does not require organized religion in order to make our choices for us; again, I strongly believe if you have a faith relationship with a Deity, it is personal and not to be taken lightly, just as the atheist and agnostic have the right to their own personal beliefs...all without judgement.

However, for those of you of the Christian faith who are celebrating this Holy week, as I am, be resurrected in the hope and belief, that Christ's ascension to God in heaven for our sins and eternal salvation, as is represented by this week of worship, is the beacon of Light that guides our thoughts and actions to enhance our journey to be better people, to have those core-values that lead the way and, to become our own beacon towards Love, Civility and Peace.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Super-Star Posters Now Available!!!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all well. I am excited and delighted to present to you:

The Super-Star Poster

This is an 18” x 24” professionally designed and printed piece of art. Its vibrant full-color and eye-catching image is printed on 100# gloss text stock with a UV protective coating. This poster is suitable for the home office or children’s homework area. The Super-Star acronym's message helps to instill and reinforce the personal values that are of utmost importance in today’s ever changing and challenging world.

The Super-Star Poster is also perfect for reception and employee areas at the business office. Let your customers know you care, by displaying this important message in the front office; while also letting your employees know that you expect the highest level of value-driven ideals in the workplace.

The Super-Star poster, which promotes Love, Civility and Peace, is a worthy addition to any environment where you want to engender the ideals its message represents; enriching both your personal and professional worlds.

To see a sample and purchase your very own Super-Star Poster please go to:
and scroll down to the "Buy Now" button.

Thank you for supporting the Super-Star cause and promoting this important message!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

(Quantity discounts are available and, we also work with Non-Profit Organizations and Youth Groups to enhance their fund-raising possibilities and capabilities...please email: for more details on this aspect of Poster sales.)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Honor Versus Gossip and Rumor

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Sometimes it seems in this day and age that honor is a forgotten value, yet at other times, it appears in the most unexpected places by someone you may not have previously thought to be very trustworthy but, later found out your reservations about that person were unfounded and based solely on rumor and gossip; that you were wrongly led to believe poorly of someone without getting to know them yourself and make your own conclusion. When you base your opinion of someone merely on gossip and rumor, you are not being honorable to them or, to yourself. You are allowing someone else to form your opinions for you instead of being in charge of your own beliefs and positions.

To be honorable is to be worthy of the esteem of others. By this I mean that regardless of the circumstance, you act in a manner that engenders the respect of your family, peers, co-workers, schoolmates and countless other people in your life because you acted without conscious thought in an honorable way. Think about what you consider in yourself to be worthy of being thought of as honorable. I believe we all want to be considered as honorable people. Do you recall times when you assumed something or allowed someone to sway your opinion without giving the situation and the person involved proper scrutiny? I know most of us are guilty of doing this...we want our friends to like us so we go along with their viewpoint. This type of behavior can become a habit that is easy to fall prey to, but it is something that can be remedied by becoming more aware of the motivation of the person trying to sway you and realizing that what you are hearing is gossip. Listening to and spreading gossip can be hurtful in the extreme when all is said and done. Most of us have had the spreading of rumor and gossip harm us personally and yet we allow it to continue through us without thought to the consequences to others. I wonder why this is so? Do you have any comments that would open discussion on this topic? Please post them on the web site's blog comment link.

Living an honorable and trustworthy life takes little time. As they say, practice makes perfect; however, when we fail to uphold our end of the bargain, it is never a bad thing to admit a mistake. Being brave enough to concede that you have made a mistake is honorable in and of itself. Be brave enough to stand-up for what is clearly right. Be brave enough to not allow gossip and rumor to continue through you. Be brave enough to tell your friends that you might not agree with their opinion; that perhaps further information is needed to make a sound assessment based on your own opinion of the facts. It's the honorable thing to do and it feels good to make-up your own mind based on your own investigation and thoughtful regard. Be brave enough to accept responsibility for your honor if the situation warrants such action. The bottom line brave, be honorable and, be a Super-Star!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Consequences of Choices

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. The last time I wrote about choices, I directed the conversation toward trust, since that is the foundation of all relationships. Now, I would like to discuss the consequences of the choices we make. The Universe's vibration is affected by each of our choices - especially those of the leaders of the world's nations; as is clearly evident with the status of world events as they now stand and, in many cases, have stood for millenniums - seemingly without an end in sight. The struggles and actions of the various peoples of the world for land and resources, the right to live freely or, for domination, have all had consequences. History is ripe with the victories and failures of the past, but it is the future that must now be considered; for the future holds us in awe of its possibilities.

What might we do now to help the future provide us with what we, the world, and the earth need? I believe it is imperative to move forward with positive choices, to use the "Super-Star" acronym as a basis for value-driven choices and, to make choices that allow the people of the world to come together for their common good and that of the planet; for the common good of humankind. To do less will most assuredly lead to more of the same. It is up to all of us to go forward with this in mind so that we may make wise and prosperous choices for the future. Our very lives depend on these choices.

The consequences of choices are clearly evident. The results of action versus non-action may differ, but either way, there are effects; short-term and long-term alike. Prudent choices, which are made with honor, and followed-up with proper and timely action, will decide how the world comes together for the good of all - one person at-a-time. Yes, one person at-a-time; we can make a difference with our daily actions - we must make the good choices - the sometimes hard choices - our best choices will enable the world to survive and thrive. I know we can do what we must. I stand in awe of what we can accomplish together - please join me on the "Super-Star" journey.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I got home not long ago from a night out at a local pub where they had a "Ladies Night Pool Tournament." I joined in the fun and met some wonderful women and had a grand time! Everyone was welcoming, friendly and enjoying the competition. It truly was a nice reprieve from my usual Wednesday night routine!

These ladies conducted themselves with respect for others, with good humor and in-line with what one would expect in a competitive environment. I believe everyone enjoyed themselves but, I was most impressed with the level of sportsmanship that was displayed by all concerned. Sportsmanship is defined as being either a gracious winner or a good loser...this was certainly the atmosphere that was created by their actions. I think it bodes well for the continued growth of this group of women congregating to shoot pool and socialize. I will definitely be back...I look forward to the adventure and making new friends.

I am writing about this because it speaks directly to the element of spreading civility as I have put forth within my mission statement. It proves that people can, and do, act with kindness and respect, with open hearts and minds, with humor and good will and, most of all, with honor. I was delighted to be allowed the opportunity to join the group. So, thank you ladies...I had a great time!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

p.s. A shout out to Diane for running the tournament and, to Kenny for allowing the ladies to take over the pool tables for the night. Also, I'll be sure to bring my own cue stick next time :-)

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all well. I believe we need to re-evaluate how to promote peace. I wonder, as The Secret, The Laws of Attraction and other New-Age reverential books, which are becoming more and more popular and, rightly regarded with awe and inspiration, how come people are still having "Anti-War Rallies". The teachings of the aforementioned books speak directly to the essence of how to attract what we want in life by focusing on that which we desire. By even bringing up "War" in these rallies are we really attracting that which we wish to dispel?

Perhaps, if we had "Peace Rallies," the shift of the Universe's vibration would begin to change toward the peace movement and progress would be made to achieve this lofty goal. I am not speaking of just Afghanistan and Iraq or Israel and Palestine; areas in obvious need of peaceful solutions. I am speaking about the strife of people from the many regions around the world that live in fear on a daily basis. I don't believe peace is part of their everyday existence, but I am positive that they wish it were. I certainly wish it were.

Pray for peace, promote peace, join humankind's struggle for peace. Lasting peace. Loving peace. Civil peace. We all share the same planet, the same air, the same ideals. Let there be Peace on Earth. Let's hear the peace bell ring around the world. Live - Breath - Foster - PEACE!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Making good choices in everything we do is at times seemingly impossible because of the many temptations which we encounter on a daily basis. However, I believe that if we think about the foundation of all relationships - TRUST - we must then realize that everything else is supported by this foundation. Love grows from, and is supported by, trust. Friendships are grounded on trust. Business relationships are based on trust. Just as a house's foundation is made to hold the house intact, so is trust the foundation that holds relationships together.

When we make the choice to break a trust then we have put a crack in the foundation of the relationship. Certainly, the foundation can be repaired with help, but the scar of the fix will forevermore be there. All of our CHOICES affect our world in profound ways that are immeasurable. We may not even know that a choice has hurt another person's feelings or that they believe we have in some way betrayed them. Unless they are brave enough to bring the issue to our attention, we may never be able to make amends or realize that we have breached their trust. Be brave enough to let someone know if they have hurt you. Most importantly, be brave enough to admit your errors, your lapses in judgement or your poor choices when you recognize you have made them.

Making good choices may very well be the bravest thing you do everyday. Keeping the foundation of your life intact will lead you to a healthier, happier and truer existence. The foundation of your life is what holds the house that is you together. TRUST in yourself and trust in others to promote a world of love, civility and peace. Good choices are worth the effort.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Looking Beyond the Surface

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all well. This week marks the one-year anniversary of the passing of my father, whom I had the extraordinary pleasure of living with and caring for in his last year of life. He was an incredible person...a gentleman's gentleman...a kind man whose love of life, and especially golf (his true passion), were the cornerstones of his principles, which had been passed down through the generations of our family. He always saw the bright side of what otherwise might have been a difficult situation. He was very well liked and my neighbors still offer their memories of his kindness. His sense of humor was enhanced by a quick wit and a memory for details that was amazing to witness. I am glad to have become his friend and he mine.

My father once told me a story about his grandmother, who was taking the Trolley into Glasgow, Scotland to do her shopping and, to pick-up all of her parasols which were at the repair shop for minor repairs. Now, this was back in the late 1800's when women had parasols to match every outfit they owned. Well, as luck would have it, it was a rainy day, not an unusual occurrence in that part of the world, but she didn't have a parasol because they were all being repaired. So, when the Trolley came to her stop she accidentally picked-up the parasol of the woman sitting next to her, out of habit, and started to disembark. The woman stopped her and said, "that's my parasol Missy." To say the least, my great-grandmother was mortified at her error and immediately offered her apology, returned the parasol and got off the Trolley; red-faced and embarrassed beyond belief. Of course, she did her errands and picked-up the dozen or so parasols that had been repaired and went back to take the Trolley home. As luck would have it, or not, depending on your sense of humor, she ended up sitting next to the same woman from the morning trip. Upon seeing all of the parasols my great-grandmother had, the woman said to her, "Och, I see you've done a fine job for yourself this day!" Well, it took a little explaining, but the story was straightened out and they both had a good laugh. I too got a good laugh when my father relayed this story!

The moral of the story is not to assume the worst even though the evidence may seem to suggest otherwise. Thankfully, this woman allowed my great-grandmother the opportunity to set the record straight and, in doing so, found the humor in it all and, I understand that they became friends in the process. Assuming any conclusion without first finding out the real story is a disservice to all parties concerned. Remember, go forward with love, act with civility and, in the process, spread peace.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love, light & much appreciation,
Glenna :-)