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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Flag Day and Father's Day

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Today is the 231st anniversary of the creation of the flag of the United States of America, in 1977. The United States flag means various things to different people, but essentially, it represents the symbolism of the freedom and unity this country fought for, and attained, so many years ago. The founding fathers and their steadfast dedication to creating "A More Perfect Nation" is still, to this day, a work in progress. Today, however, I say, "Happy Flag Day," to all the Super-Stars of this great country; and, other Countries around the world that have embraced democracy...past, present and future.

The responsibility to uphold and fine-tune the ideals that were set forth in the United States Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights is an on-going process which must be addressed with human rights, dignity and freedom as the foundation upon which together we will build a better world. The Universe is depending on all Super-Stars to help in the formation of "A More Perfect World," through our thoughts and actions. Every one of us has the power to transform our world. Always strive to be and expect the best; this is the power that will spread the Light.

This is also Father's Day Weekend and I would like to pay tribute to my father, who passed away last year. He was a wonderful man who was a Gentleman, an avid and passionate golfer and, someone who lived a values-driven life...a Super-Star in his own right. I miss him and will always be grateful for his fine example and the many lessons I learned over the years of what it means to have values and how to live by them. He was also a patriot who believed strongly in Country and honor. Happy Father's Day, Dada...I know you are on the links in Heaven having as fine a round of golf as you ever imagined. What's that...a hole-in-one on every hole? I knew you had it in you! Love, hugs and kisses from your baby girl.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

p.s. Prayers and sympathy to the family of Tim Russert as they grieve the loss of a great son, brother, husband and father. Tim, you too were a Super-Star who lived a full life in such a short will be missed and mourned by millions. Thank you for your service to the world.

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