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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happiness and Peace

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. This is an edited repeat of last year's posting, but I feel it is still a good question...I was asked to write about how you would gift someone with a present of happiness and peace in a small box. My answer would be to say that this is a gift we are only able to give ourselves; only we are responsible for our happiness and peace-of-mind. Although we are always trying to make others happy, we truly succeed when we are able to create our own happy and peaceful existence. This state-of-being then becomes contagious to those with whom we come into contact; our family, friends and others. The ripple effect of our thoughts, words and actions will always spread is a Universal law.

However, I think it would be nice to be able to give happiness and peace in a small box to anyone and everyone. Imagine the changes that would be wrought in the world. Happiness and Peace...what a concept...oh, that's right, as Super-Stars we are promoting Love, Civility and Peace. The world we are creating through this process and mission is full of happiness and peace. So, go ahead and put together boxes and mark them, "This box is full of happiness and peace for you," and give them to everyone you know. Ask them to make their own boxes and gift them with the same instructions, and so on and so on, to continue the happiness and peace box project.

There are many ways to make the world a better place and I think this is a great idea. I must thank Nina Rivera for the question about how to give someone happiness and peace in a small box. If even one person finds happiness and peace, it will have been worth the effort. So, THANKS Nina! You truly are a Super-Star! Also, thanks Nina, for your warm Christmas wishes this year...Love YOU!!! May happiness and peace be with everyone!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Holidays!!!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I sincerely wish you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. This time of year brings many families, and their friends, together in love and light and, I hope your life is filled with those and so much more. Take the time to enjoy each other and share yourself with your loved ones. It is up to us, especially at this time of year, to promote Love, Civility and Peace....from our heart and soul! A genuine place to begin...and, the place where the wonderful feeling of Love and Blessings abound!!!

The New Year is right around the corner and, with that in mind, begin to think about where you want to be in your life this time next year. What kind of changes, if any, do you intend to implement into your daily life? How will you reach the goals you have set? And, what will you leave behind in order that you might give yourself room to grow? Trust your intuition to make the most of everyday...keeping a journal will guide you into the abundance that your life is...and has always been...BELIEVE IT!!!

Clearly, this time of year can be stressful, but, it is also a good time to take stock of our lives and make plans for the best possible outcome. However, take a deep breath and...remember to be kind to yourself and others; set reasonable goals; and please, continue to spread the Super-Star message to enlighten the world and truly promote Love, Civility and Peace! Merry! Merry!! Merry!!! God bless and Godspeed!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Greatest Gift of All, by Steve Goodier

Hello Super-Stars I hope you are all doing well. Steve Goodier encourages his readers that blog to share his messages and I have to say, this one is a keeper and, one that must be shared (I have made a few minor edits, but the story is the same.) I hope you find it as inspiring as I did and, that as Super-Stars, we will be a positive force that will enable us all to give and receive...


A little boy and girl were singing their favorite carol in church the Sunday before Christmas. The boy concluded "Silent Night" with the words, "Sleep in heavenly beans." "No," his sister corrected, "not beans. Peas." The story reminds me of the wonderful and hectic holiday season many of you are now enjoying. Dave Garroway was, for many years, the host of the TODAY show on NBC television. Someone once asked him about his understanding of Christmas. He replied: "I've noticed that when people are asked what they want for Christmas, nine times out of ten, they answer with something material. That used to be amusing to me, but it's not amusing to me any longer. I happen to be one of those people who can afford anything he wants, but I find what I really want, I can't buy at any price. I want peace of mind, peace of soul; the kind of peace you have when you don't really want anything.

"What do YOU want for Christmas? Or, if you don't celebrate Christmas, what do you want for your life. For your world? For me, what I want cannot be bought or gift wrapped. What I want most can best be summed up in words like "faith" and "hope" and "love." For myself, I want faith. Faith enough to see light in even the bleakest of situations. Faith enough to believe that goodness will prevail in the end. For my loved ones I want hope. Abundant hope. Hope in tomorrow. A hope that helps them believe that better times lie ahead so they can take that next step. For my world I want love. And, I believe that the solutions to most of our biggest problems will only be found when we decide that we are indeed one family. The problems of war, health care, crime in city streets, immigration and unemployment take on a different hue when I am talking about my brothers and sisters whom I love dearly. Do you also want things you can't buy? What if we all decided to go after those things this year...the things that truly matter? That could be the greatest gift of all. -- Steve Goodier.

Love, Civility and Peace will indeed solve many of the world's problems if we give the Greatest Gift of All...through our thoughts, words, and actions on a scale of Universal proportion and healing, which is possible, when we join together promoting The Super-Star mission in every way we are able and, with every breath we take.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

I love getting Steve Goodier's emails of inspiration from his Life Support newsletter. Please see his web site at:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thoughts on the Holiday Rush

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. During this time of year, through the hustle and bustle to get the shopping done, bake the cookies, send out holiday cards and, attend all those lovely parties and events, can be just a wee bit overwhelming (don't forget all the fun you'll have wrapping gifts too!)., take a deep breath and slow down...I believe now is an excellent time to remember to be Polite, Courteous and Gracious. Plus, add a BIG DASH of patience, as well as the other Super-Star acronym's attributes to your way-of-life, and surely this year will be your best Holiday season yet! The Good Will of the season will naturally help spread the Super-Star spirit of Love, Civility and Peace; imagine what a difference we will make if we all slow down long enough to appreciate those around us simply by doing things, and encouraging others, in the Super-Star fashion.

The many beneficial consequences that will be produced if we all practice and, therefore, make these quality values a habit of our everyday lives, especially now, are immeasurable. Why does it matter if we are Polite, Courteous and Gracious? How does the way we treat others affect us? Or, affect those with whom we encounter? These Super-Star values are an important factor in the overall ripple effect our actions have on the Universe. The consequences of all our actions are both tangible and non-tangible. For instance, when you practice these Super-Star values, you may see an immediate response in kind which will brighten your day and, being nice to others as we traverse our life is good Karma; the non-tangible effect may be the regard and respect you are afforded in future (the good Karma coming back to reward your previous efforts). So yes, it matters to be Polite, Courteous and Gracious. It is also a superb way to promote Love, Civility and Peace!

The manner in which we treat others affects us on so many levels; the return on the investment we make by being nice will come back to us when we least expect it and, when we most need it; the Universe is set-up to give back to us that which we have put forth - I don't know about you, but I prefer people being nice to me. The world is a diverse community that deserves our regard and kindness. As Super-Stars, it is our job to spread the message; it is responsible to think, speak and act in a positive manner; and, it's the right thing to do. So, go forward as Polite, Courteous and Gracious's a good habit to cultivate.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1st - World AIDS Day

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. December 1st is designated as World AIDS Day. This virus continues to plague millions of people around the world and many organizations are contributing in unparalleled ways to bring those who have the disease, and their family members, the various help they need just to survive another day. Many advances have been made in research and development to fight this dreaded ailment, but neither a cure nor a vaccine have as yet been discovered. Although, the advances in the pharmaceutical arena are offering hope for longer lives through proper medication combinations, these drugs do not work for everyone and AIDS is still a life-threatening diagnoses and, many children are now orphans as a result of this devastating Worldwide pandemic.

As a gay woman, I have seen first-hand the ravaging affects AIDS has had on my friends and the GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered) community as a whole. I have lost all my male friends from the 1980's era to the disease and I am very proactive in talking to the new friends I am making to ask them to please practice safe sex...all the time...every time! I will also tell you now that all people, gay or straight, should be doing the same...knowledge is power and I implore you to be informed and stay safe from all sexually transmitted diseases. You have the power to make a difference by being safe...ALWAYS!!!

Please take the time to learn more about how you might help local organizations provide the services that are so desperately needed by so many; medical services including pharmaceutical regimens, housing, food, companionship and caring - to name a very few. In these economically challenging times, the services these people depend upon are being compromised by budgets that are strained to their limits. A small donation, or even an hour of your time would mean so much to the people in need. I know that together we can make a difference...we're Super-Stars! Please forward this posting to all your friends in order to help get this very important message out. THANK YOU!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Living in Gratitude

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. My Gratitude List continues to grow and, with that in mind, I would like to share with you that which became abundantly clear to me over this Thanksgiving Day weekend. Although already on my List...I am so very grateful for the energy of the Universe and how it works in my daily leading me to the people, events and awareness that continuously teaches me about a higher sense of self. This long holiday weekend showed me the many facets of how each and every one of us adds to the life of another through our very presence in the moment together. Take a minute to think about the magnitude of this statement.

Our very presence together is meant to that moment...for many reasons...most especially, for the continued expansion of the positive Universal energy we create together in kindness; (which naturally promotes Love, Civility and Peace.) I came to really know and feel a higher sense of self and purpose Wednesday night while I attended a Lecture Series, Exploring Universal Spiritual Themes, by Rev. Taylor E. Stevens, a national lecturer, author, life coach, spiritual counselor and performing artist. The energy and message revolved around A Thanks-Living Celebration!

His message, though complex and thought provoking, was also, for me, a soulful fulfillment of sorts that is hard to explain except to say that after the event, I felt renewed and somehow a better person than I was before. The main message I received that night is that by Living in Gratitude we EXPAND OUR CAPACITY FOR RECEIVING. Take another minute to think about the meaning of the statement. As we are grateful, so too, are we opening our souls to receive the gratitude we have put forth...we are opening ourselves to the abundance we have given by Living in Gratitude!!! WOW!!! I invite you to visit Rev. Taylor's web site at: (Thanks, Taylor, I am duly inspired by the gift you are and, by the impact your presence in that moment meant to me.)

In the meantime...

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation and GRATITUDE!
Glenna :-)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving 2009!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I wish each and every one of you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for supporting and sharing the Super-Star message; I appreciate all you do to help make this a better world. Now that the holiday season is truly upon us, take the time to be thankful for all the good things in the world and put a positive twist on all you think, say and make a difference everyday! Believe it!

As you spend time with family and friends, celebrating the holidays, please take the time to look around at the splendor that is your life. Think about how all these people affect your life and, how you affect theirs. This time of year is especially important to really see the glory of your life, to realize the true impact your very presence makes and to be thankful for all of the blessings - big and small - that are an inherent part of who you are now, as well as how these blessings are shaping the person you are yet to become. Believe it!

Shine in the Light of the holidays! Share the Light of the Super-Star ideals in your every thought, word and action...give thanks to all those whom you encounter. Encourage the less fortunate with your Super-Star Light. Give the gift of a smile and laughter. Give yourself, and others, the gift of forgiveness. Find ways to brighten a person's day. The gift of your love will always be treasured by those who receive it; just as you cherish and hold the love and warmth they return. These are all things to be thankful for...BELIEVE IT!!!


Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Details Make a Difference

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. There have been a series of unrelated events, which have affected my life in one way or another during the last week and, which beg thoughtful reflection. I am generally a detail oriented person, but as I look back on the last week, apparently I am not as thorough as I believed...OH MY! I have found that the most minute of details makes a difference. For instance, I have come to realize that everyday habits are done without much thought and because of this you don't always remember exactly what you did indeed, actually do. Hmmm...

This can lead to many unwanted situations, or results, arising...such as, buying a half-gallon of whole milk instead of the half-and-half cream I usually choose. I just assumed it was the cream (it was where the cream usually is - I'm positive there were cartons of cream there!) and...the containers are so similar in color and design...oh well...I guess I wasn't really paying attention. I also managed to "misplace" my checkbook...I finally found it in my purse...not where I usually keep it...I don't even remember putting it there!!! I could go on and on, it was that kind of week. Hmmm...

Anyhow, the moral of the story is that details make a difference!!! Paying attention not only to our own thoughts, words and actions but, to the world we live in, will make a difference all around, and save time too! I should also note here, that at I have advocated the importance of noticing the fine details of everyday living to family and friends (you know who you are!) ...some of whom may not be so inclined to see the details and, who seem to go through life skimming the surface...I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE for my past comments...(not that it won't come up again) but, I see now that I am as likely to skim the surface and not notice those pesky details. As well, I should keep in mind that my time is better spent promoting the Super-Star mission of Love, Civility and Peace and all the inherent values of the acronym, rather than commenting on the actions of others. Truly, my apologies! Hmmm...

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Gratitude List

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. After asking for ideas for a topic for today's blog posting, a very good friend of mine, Cynthia, suggested I write about keeping a Gratitude List. I thought this a wonderful idea; she keeps one and reviews it on a daily basis; as well, she adds to it as she realizes the many things for which she is grateful. She is convinced the list keeps her focused on the positive. I think it's a great idea and I agree positive thoughts create positive outcomes. Really, the simplicity is akin to counting our blessings...the more we focus on what is good, in ourselves and others, the core energy produced by such thoughts becomes a tangible force of intention.

I am grateful for the basic needs of life...a roof over my head, food to eat and the blessing of life itself; however, I am inclined to find blessings in every facet of my existence. I would be remiss were I not thankful for my family and their unconditional love and support or, for the circle of friends, of both long and short acquaintance, who care about and love me or, for the many people who have affected my life in one way or another; mentors, teachers and so many more. The very act of being grateful is positive energy well spent.

So, I am going to start my own Gratitude List and will continue to review and renew its content everyday in order to fill my life with appreciation for that which is important. I am slightly overwhelmed by the thought of writing it all down, but I know it will be worth the effort. The energy of positive reflection will bring with it the many forms of abundance such an endeavor is bound to attract. So, get out your pens and paper and join me on an another part of the Super-Star journey. Thoughts, words and actions in Gratitude!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

An Accomplished Super-Star!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Every now and then someone comes into your life who you just know is a kindred spirit...a Super-Star! I want to share a story about someone who, in my opinion, is exactly that, and then some! On short acquaintance to a friend of mine, Casey Lee Justice, came to the rescue by offering to help my friend; and, from what I understand, Casey has and does help many others whenever possible. This amazing woman spent untold hours - (probably more than a dozen!) - working on my friend's car so we could get the vehicle started and to a service facility; all that time and work in order to avoid a towing expense.

I am inspired by her charity of self - offering to help without being asked to do so, by the way she very simply said, "don't worry, I'm on my way," and, by her attitude that it was not unusual to be a friend - we certainly need as many like her in the world as possible! Her intelligence, talent and perseverance are also significant attributes which deserve notice. There are not enough words to describe what her sacrifice of time meant to my friend, and for that matter, to me. It's not everyday you meet someone who is willing to go out of their way, as she did - especially when you have only known them for a month or less.

The Universe does indeed provide miracles...some are certain events...others, are the people who come into our lives...people just like Casey. I am honored to have had the opportunity to meet her. Thanks, Casey, you TRULY are...A Super-Star!!! An inspiration to us all!!! Myself...I guess you noticed that I am duly impressed!

By the way, Casey Lee Justice is an accomplished and Award-Winning Professional in Motion Picture and Advertising arenas - doing work in a wide variety of capacities - check out her resume online at:

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Super Star Thoughts

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I have not been attending to my blog postings as I had hoped and, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting or wondering, "What the heck happened?" Mostly, I have been on hiatus for a number of personal reasons, but foremost, is the fact that I suffer from depression. At times, the severity is such that I find myself unable to communicate the message that I so want to share with the world...The Super-Star mission and how very much I believe in its value and, how important spreading the message is for me...for us all. Although, regardless of my state of mind, I ALWAYS treat others with kindness and's a Super-Star way of living.

I do believe everything happens for a reason and, that in my case, the Universe was simply giving me a vacation. Life, with its inherent valleys and mountains, on which we traverse each day, is complex and yet simple in so much as we must stay focused on the present. This moment is the most important moment...right now...because everything we do in every moment affects the next. What we think, say and do in this moment has far-reaching implications which cannot be taken back. Once set into motion, the energy of our thoughts, words and actions take on a life of their own...the ripple effect is a proven concept of the logic of physics...just as a pebble thrown into a pond produces rings that seemingly multiply without effort, so too, does our energy.

We are the Universe and, the Universe is us. The tapestry we are weaving with our lives continues to blend with all the peoples of the world, and the big picture we are creating is so very beautiful and has the power to enlighten the world to what is really important - caring for each other with attentive and helpful understanding and compassion; being polite, courteous and gracious as we interact; being earnest, sincere and respectful in our actions; and, of course, being honest and trustworthy in all we do and with all our heart and soul. A Super-Star way of life is worth the matter what obstacles we each face...dividends we can only imagine are just around the corner.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day 2009

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well and, that you are having a nice holiday weekend. Labor Day weekend is the "unofficial" end of Summer in many regions. The holiday seems to have morphed into just another three-day weekend which workers look forward to while not really acknowledging the reason behind the holiday. I have to admit, I like all three-day weekend holidays too. I do, however, like to ponder the basis for the various holidays, national and religious alike.

Labor Day, designated for the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is also a Canadian tradition. If not for the achievements of the pioneers of the labor movement, I can only imagine what our working conditions might be; we owe a huge debt of gratitude to those from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as well as those who continue the struggle for worker's rights around the world in this, the twenty-first century. As "Super-Stars," I believe it is appropriate for us to lend our thoughts, voices and actions to the cause of worker's rights. We live in an era that has seen many corporate abuses (the United States Government's interaction has at least shown some promise for improvement in this arena), but at the same time, many businesses are getting the message that doing the right thing is actually more profitable.

Now, more than ever, I believe it is in the best interest of our country, and all those persons still seeking work, for us to realize how very valuable the Positive Forces idea and its impact will produce from our collective power. I once learned that for many, working - having a job, is half of a person's identity. Over and above the monetary rewards employment offers, so too, does it offer identity and self-worth, as well a sense of belonging to a greater goal - a greater good. On this Labor Day, employed or not, we are all part of the same Universe...when one triumphs, we all reap the rewards. Remember, as Super-Stars, we are all one large Universal family and, that we very much impact our world...together we are mighty and capable of infinite greatness!

Think - Live - Be - A Super Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Positive Forces

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well and, having a great summer! In keeping with the Super-Star mission, please keep sending the Positive Force of your thoughts, words and actions into the Universe. When you see someone who seems sad, send them positive vibes; when you recognize that a negative situation is brewing, send out your positive vibes to those who need your help; when all is well, continue to think, say and do the positive thing. The Positive Force, of us all, is a mighty tool indeed, and one which the Universe needs and appreciates.

The mystery of the Universe continues to unfold and show us just how very much of a difference we all make with our day-to-day lives...individually and collectively. We need only to really take a look around to notice the impact we make, let alone the impact we make as a united Positive Force. The possibilities toward the good of mankind, and of all the creatures of the Universe, are infinite...just as the reaches of the Universe are infinite and Divine.

Be a Positive Force in every thing, in every way and, forevermore!!! The mission is simple...the rewards are beyond imagination...but, the outcome is the destiny we choose by our very thoughts, words and actions as Super-Stars! Continue the journey of choice toward a more abundant life with the power of the Positive Force!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sincere Appreciation

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Appreciating the people in our lives is an important part of the process of nurturing our relationships and promoting Love. We may show our appreciation in a variety of ways - verbally, with actions or, a combination of both. It is important to let our family members know how sincere we are and, how much we appreciate having them in our lives. Letting them know we love them, even when they might not act as we wish they would...perhaps, we are not meeting their expectations either, but then expectations tend to get in the way of reality. All individuals hope that the decisions which they make are respected...without us putting our own expectations on those decisions....this is a two-way street, as is most everything. Either way, appreciating our family members nurtures them but, is also self-serving because the benefit of Love is never wasted. Duality is the way of the world...the yin and yang.

Appreciating our spouses or extension of our family important so that they know we are not taking them for granted; that they know having them in our lives is important and special; and, that they know we choose to be with them because of our Love for them and more. It is just as important to receive appreciation in return for all those reasons. Love and trust are the bonds of the relationship; however, knowing you are appreciated and, being reminded that you are, will definitely strengthen the relationship. Again, yin and yang.

Our friends are also an important and vital part of our lives. Taking the time to let them know how much their friendship means to us is paramount to maintaining a healthy and lasting bond. We Love our friends for who they are and hopefully we wisely choose those with whom we intend to spend time and emotional expense. Trust and Love will bear out in the long-term. Just remember to sincerely appreciate those people in your life who have impact and whom you Love; the reward will be worth the effort.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Celebrate this day, which notes America's stand for independence from tyranny and, for the right of self representation. Go out today with the knowledge that so many who have come before gave their lives so that we might live in a free society. Martin Luther King, Jr. had it right when he said, "Let freedom ring...," Let's also be aware of his journey and how he preached to go forward in a peaceful manner to achieve that which was once very much only a "Dream." We must not forget that Peace did prevail as the victor in the process of the Civil Rights movement for ethnic least those many people of color, and others, stuck to their values of non-violence...I wish the opponents had had the sense to do the same. There is still work in this area, so please do your part as a Super-Star to enlighten those who may need help to see the light.

Without independence, or freedom, life is smothered and will eventually cease to reach its potential. Around the globe today, many people are still fighting for their freedom and independence from tyranny and aggression. Some fighting has been going on for so many years, and in so many places, that I think perhaps its time to put forth our energies toward finding peaceful ways to reach the much desired goal of independence. Martin Luther King, Jr. is also noted as having said, "Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere." Justice is achieved through promoting Love, Civility and Peace. So, rejoice in the independence we enjoy...ring the freedom in joyous reverence the fireworks which illustrate the celebration of our country's Independence!!! Pray for the peoples of the world who are still seeking the freedom to live a full and prosperous life and, that they will find salvation in that freedom. Go forward with Love, Civility and PEACE!!! Then one day there truly will be PEACE ON EARTH!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light, and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

(A personal note...I feel it is unfortunate, however, that the Native American culture of this land was decimated in the process of the United States seeking its independence, but I am glad the Native community was not completely wiped-out and is now revered as should have been done from the beginning.)

Friday, June 26, 2009

My Brother & Michael Jackson

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. My prayers are with the Jackson family and friends as they mourn his passing. Many years ago, in 1968 I believe, when the Jackson Five were first starting out, they performed at a private club my family belonged to in Miami for the club's annual July 4th celebration. I was around eleven years old and my brother, Geoffrey, had just recently turned five...on June 25th (of all days). Of course, the whole family was at the club for the festivities. Geoffrey was a mischievous little rascal back then (okay, he still has his moments!) Anyhow, the Jackson Five was getting ready to perform and, lo and behold, Michael was not anywhere around. An all-out search was commenced to find Michael, which took about twenty minutes or so, maybe longer...his parents were frantic!

Well, my dear Geoffrey and Michael were found in the men's work-out/locker room horsing around, as little boys are wont to do. Apparently, my brother had lured Michael to play with him before his "gig" started and they lost track of time. Of course, Michael's parents and brothers were relieved that he was found safe and sound, but both Michael and Geoffrey were reprimanded for disappearing without telling anyone where they were going. My parents were none too happy that all of the fuss was because of their son's antics...a wee little embarrassing moment for our parents, to say the least.

I know people have varying opinions of Michael Jackson, but I always remembered what happened that day and I'm glad he got at least a few minutes of true freedom to run and play without the dictates that must have been suffocating to a child in his family's situation. Imagine never really having any friends or, having your parents determining your every about oppression! So, thanks Michael, for the gift you were to the world...God bless you in spirit and may the light of heaven enfold you in its infinite love and care.

To my brother, I'm sorry Michael died on your birthday, but I know that you will always treasure the encounter in which you got to play with Michael Jackson so many years ago. I also believe he always remembered your kindness and playful spirit that special day. I love you and I'm proud of the gentleman you have become! A Super-Star in your own right!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Work MUST Continue!!!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Clearly, after the hate-motivated attack at the National Holocaust Museum today, and the horrific consequences, our work toward a more loving, civil and peaceful Universe MUST continue! The Super-Star mission, and lifestyle, is something to share and share and share...then, please share the vision some more! I know the majority of people are disgusted when these types of crimes are committed by people who continue to spew hatred. We must continue to use the power of the Universe to promote Love, Civility and Peace through the Super-Star mission, and any other way we might think is productive to this end.

Our work MUST continue! I need your help to keep the message going...every day! Please send your thoughts and prayers to the families affected by today's tragic event...even to the family of the gunmen...they especially need our thoughts to change the tide of hate to one of love. Love, compassion and kindness must rule our lives. Together, we are mighty! Our work MUST continue!

Think - Live - Be - A - Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Memorial Day was established as a day of Remembrance for all those who have fought for Peace. I know it sounds absurd that we must "fight" for Peace. Why? Surely the human race is intelligent enough to realize that when fighting, Peace is absent; but the goal is still me, this is insane. However, history has shown, time and again, the fragility of Peace; continuing cycles of war and peace. Seemingly, generation after generation has faced some conflict or another. Again, I ask why?

I believe we should be thinking, speaking and taking action toward the goal of sustained Peace; thereby breaking the cycle that has plagued almost every generation, including our own, from the conflicts around the world. Do we want today's children to face a continued struggle for Peace? I think not. The goal has always been to make the future better for our children; it's time to create and include a peaceful existence for all peoples on Earth as part of that goal. Remember, as Super-Stars, together, we are MIGHTY!

Start today with an attitude toward creating a life and world that promotes Love, Civility and Peace! Know that the time is now to embark on, or continue, a Super-Star way of life. The benefits will be far-reaching...our own ripples in the fabric of the Universe will create the peaceful and loving world we all envision. This is our reality; we must think, talk and act PEACE! Please spread the message for Love, Civility and Peace...the time is now!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

P.S. Also, please remember those who have served to ensure Peace has had a chance...thank a Veteran today and everyday.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Optimism allows hope to flourish and defeats despair, even in uncertain times. I know well the urge to hide my head in the sand and not face day-to-day struggles, but doing so does not solve only puts off what must eventually be faced. So, optimism is a state of mind and being that lifts us up and gives us ongoing hope for whatever it is that we each must overcome.

I find myself going back to the basics of my "Super-Star" message to find ways to make a difference in some one's life because doing so makes a difference in my life. I've written about helping the "little old lady" put her groceries in her car...about thanking a Veteran for their service...about adding a positive spin to an otherwise down-and-out situation. Together, we can make a difference in each other's lives. It takes only a moment to be nice, considerate and understanding.

Adding optimism to our way of thinking will inevitably add this very important mindset to the Universal flow of consequence. Everything we do, or don't do, affects the overall outcome of our lives and the world in which we live. Please make it a habit to be optimistic and continue to spread the "Super-Star" mission and vision in every part of your life. Even when it seems that nothing is going your way, you will attract the very thing you need by being optimistic, believing in, and being the best of, who you are. By the way, optimism is contagious so, spread the message!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy Mother's Day! Treasure the one who brought you into this world. A mother's love is never ending; you will always feel her near you and in your heart, whether she still breathes or has passed. My siblings and I lost our mother over twenty-two years ago; her love, compassion and wisdom continues through our daily lives and actions. This posting is dedicated to you, Mom.

You taught us to respect everyone, to be polite and courteous, and to love life. Your example of greatness, which you lived as the "Glamour Girl" of the women's golf tour in the 1940's - achieving a ranking of third in the world at the age of eighteen - showed us that we too could reach for the stars...that we could do anything we wanted if we applied ourselves to the task...and, you inspired us all to do our best (even though it took me longer than you wished!)

I know we will always hold you in our hearts and that your spirit lives on in each of us...thank you for being you and for teaching us what really matters; such as the core values which guide our everyday lives. You were a true Super-Star in every way; sacrificing so much in order that we would have every opportunity to learn and excel. Here's to you Mom! Love your mother as you love no other...just as she loves you!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

P.S. This is a slightly updated version of last year's posting...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Life Support...Trust in the Face of Betrayal

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I thought this blog posting by Steve Goodier, of very cute and appropriate to the Super-Star mission...

I've never visited the town of Wetumka in Oklahoma (USA). But I understand the folks there celebrate a day every year when they laugh at themselves. They call it Sucker Day and they plan a town festival on the last Saturday of September to commemorate it. It all started in 1950 when a man calling himself F. Bam Morrison arrived in Wetumka and persuaded local residents to put up the money to bring a circus to town. They did not know F. Bam, but he was a nice enough fellow and they trusted his word. Merchants bought plenty of food, beverages, and souvenirs in preparation for the crowds of people who were bound to attend. And Morrison sold advance tickets. The townspeople were ecstatic at the thought of a circus in their very own village. Children could hardly sleep at night. On the day the circus parade was to march down the main street, ecstasy turned into dismay when nothing happened. F. Bam had slipped quietly away in the night with any money he had left. There would be no circus.

The good folks of Wetumka had been swindled. It didn't take long for their disappointment to turn into amusement, however. Someone came up with the idea of holding a four-day celebration anyway. And why not? They had all the food and goodies. Calendars were cleared and, besides, every one's heart was set on having a good time. They called their party The Sucker Festival. In a display of good-natured fun, people celebrated the fact that they'd been conned, snookered and hornswoggled. And now, Sucker Day is an annual event in Wetumka – a good excuse to come together, to laugh and to have some fun.

We're going to be fooled sometimes. Especially if we easily place our confidence in people. But I'm not going to give up trusting just to avoid being had. I've observed that some of the happiest people I know are far from being the most wary – in fact, they are quite often open and trusting. These contented folks share at least two traits. The first is that they are trustworthy. They are known to be honest and true to their word. And the second trait these happy and satisfied people share is that they easily trust others. Sometimes their trust is misplaced, but they've discovered that the benefits of trusting usually outweigh the risks of disappointment. I expect I'll get taken in plenty of times yet by friends and strangers I believed in. But I hope the next time I trusted when I should have been more cautious, I can learn from the good folks of Wetumka and laugh at myself. Because I'd rather let others into my heart than shut them out. I'd rather be a sucker for a day than unhappy for a lifetime. And I'd rather believe there is goodness in most people, for that is the only way to find it.-- Steve Goodier

I hope this story inspired you as much as it did me! Trusting and being Trustworthy go hand-in-hand!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Spring!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy Spring! I know the calendar marks the beginning of Spring on the 20th/21st of March, but I feel like the season really starts with the celebration of the Easter and Passover religious holidays. The new beginning the annual observance of these holidays represents, I believe, really gives you the feeling that life is renewed and there truly is hope on the horizon. Perhaps this would be a better time to make our "New Year's" resolutions; at this time of year, as Mother Earth is awakening after winter, we too might do well to consider our own renewal and the changes we want to see in our lives.

As the seasons change, so does everything else...we are all a part of the equation; from the tiniest molecule to the whole of the earth and the Universe, change is a continuing force of nature...all part of the ebb and flow of life. All that has been, all that is now and, all that will be, are a result of this process. Our part is to put forth our positive thoughts, words and actions in order to facilitate and continue the flow toward the good of all...a worthy endeavor...a Super-Star life.

Think about the resolutions you made at the beginning of the year and reconsider their value to you now. Have you succeeded on those plans? (Do you even remember what they were?) Do they warrant another look? Or, would you, and those you love, be better served by a new vision? Spring is here and it is a wonderful time of year for rethinking what you envision as the ultimate outcome for you and the world as a whole. Let us radiate the positive energy of our common goals into the Universe for the good of all...remember, everyone is worthwhile and, living in a world of Love, Civility and Peace is a Super reward!!! Happy Spring!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Family Foundations

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I had the pleasure of spending time with my sister today to celebrate her birthday. May I say, she is an angel on earth and my best friend. I am glad she is my sister but, even were she not, I would still want to know her....want to be her friend. I feel the same way about my two life would not be complete without them and, all my extended family of Aunts, Uncles, cousins and so many more...I am so very blessed to have them in my life. I am also thankful for the foundation our parents built for us...the formative early years where we learned to respect each other and all those we would come to know in our lives. Sometimes, when I see how other families interact, my appreciation for the family I have is reinforced.

My wish for the "Super-Star" nation is to realize the value of your Family's Foundation; to let go of old hurts and mend broken family ties; to begin again - if necessary - building the rest of your life with your family as the foundation from which all is possible; to know that whether it is a family related by blood or, a family of friends you have helped to build, that you are a part of something sound and supportive; that you recognize the immense difference you, and they, make on this journey we call life. Please remember to thank the people who are important to you and let them know they are, and continue to be, a profound influence on "Who You Are - A Super-Star!"

The more we grow, the more we learn...please learn forgiveness through love; then, learn to live a life of civility; furthermore, learn patience and kindness so that we will truly achieve peace. Learning to promote the combination of Love, Civility and Peace is a powerful way to make a difference in your life, in the lives of others and, to the world-at-large. I'm counting on you to think about your choices and to make good matter more than you know...the foundation you contribute to today will be there for you in the future so that you may stand strong with the support of a solid base!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Surviving the Economic Flow

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I was asked this past weekend by a new friend, and Super-Star subscriber, what suggestions I would make for the many people who are facing difficult decisions regarding the current economy and its impact on their lives? How do you really continue a value-driven life when it seems your world is falling apart? How do you stay focused on moving forward with positive intentions...always, in all ways?

First, I would have to say, now is the perfect time to live a Super-Star life; keep a positive attitude by knowing you are doing the best you are able to everyday and, that you are doing so with grace and compassion (for yourself and others.) Second, embrace the knowledge that, although things may be tough right now, the higher vibration of living a Super-Star life emits powerful ripples into the Laws of the Universe which will certainly help quicken the recovery process; the more you add, the better the result. Third, the Universe, and all within its realm, is constantly changing and adjusting to our thoughts, words and actions; know that in time our efforts will come back to us in a multitude of ways and abundance.

Therefore, it is in our best interest to be, and stay, positive. Please believe we make a difference every minute of every hour of every day!!! The results may not be immediate but, in the long-run, our lives will be enhanced by living a Super-Star existence. Remember to think about all the values of the Super-Star acronym...put them into words...and, make them the basis for your actions; the simple formula of thoughts, words and actions is a Universal equation for results!!! Let's keep the flow positive and thoughtful; together, we are powerful beyond our wildest imagination!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Learning and Teaching Values

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all well. As we mature throughout life - I believe this is a lifelong process - we are given many options from which to choose on how we want to be and live. Some people take risky pathways, but others may be more careful as to where they focus their energies and innate gifts. Either way, living a Super-Star life, driven by the core values of the acronym, will certainly give you a place from which to help build a world of Love, Civility and Peace. While creating a value-driven life, it is important to remember that you are always learning, but it is just as important to teach these values and ideals as you grow.

Teaching and learning go hand-in-hand. Teaching, by using words and the actions to back them up, is most effective when done with an expectation of success - staying positive is crucial. I think it is also important to admit if you have made a mistake...think about the are sharing a learning experience with someone else and, in turn, they too have learned the lesson. Sharing our values gives us the opportunity to teach each other, but also allows us to learn from those we are trying to help. The energy continues on and on...into the ripples of the principle Laws of the Universe.

Keep promoting Love, Civility and Peace. Teach and learn. Learn and teach. The effort will be worth your time as you make a difference in your own life, as well as the lives of your family and friends...and all their friends...and all the friends of friends...the infinite possibilities of the extent to which your thoughts, words and actions will resound is amazing to imagine. All is possible when we live and love through a value-based foundation.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Integrity Has Lasting Benefits

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. When we live our lives with integrity - such as being trustworthy, honorable or any number of the Super-Star acronym's core values - we live a life that has lasting benefits for ourselves and, those whose lives we have touched, helped or influenced. Integrity is described as: uprightness, virtue, honesty, soundness, uninjured state and completeness.

In the world today, many are suffering financial setbacks because of a lack of the very ingredient that has always been at the cornerstone of rightness - INTEGRITY. As the government works to reinstate the necessary guidelines and rules of law needed to oversee future financial transactions of all types, I was inspired by a recent conversation I had with a Broker Associate/Realtor friend, Tracy A. Price, of Doris White Realty, Inc. in Fort Pierce, Florida. We spoke about the real estate market and its current turmoil, as well as how she has been as diligent as possible in her work ethic before, during, and since the market "bubble" to only sell people homes they could actually afford. This policy of steadfast integrity will have lasting benefits for her customers as they are able to remain in their homes, as well as for Tracy as I'm sure her customers are appreciative and, as a result, loyal. This is especially important when so many people who bought homes they simply could not afford are now being forced into foreclosure, bankruptcy and credit mayhem.

I applaud Tracy, and all those like her; doing the right thing when it the ALWAYS matters!!! Integrity has lasting benefits for those who live by its unwritten rules of engagement...they are able to sleep at night, they live a guilt-free life and, they get ahead honestly and with pride in their work. Please acknowledge those who have treated you fairly and THANK them!!! They deserve our thanks and so much more. Here's to you Tracy...THANK YOU for being a Super-Star!

By the way, Tracy has no idea I am writing this blog about her, but if you want to reach her to say Thanks or, for a Real Estate related need, she may be reached at: (772) 971 - 8644 or,

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

Hello Super-Stars! Happy St. Valentine's day!!! I hope your day is filled with love and happiness. As a Super-Star, I also hope your day and world are filled with all life has to offer and that you are continuing the mission of promoting Love, Civility and Peace.

Today, of all days, is the perfect time to reflect on the love that is abundant in your life and to cherish all that is...all that has been....and, all that will be as the Universal laws which govern these events unfolds at the perfect time for you...just as it does for everyone else. Our life journeys are uniquely our own and by acknowledging our place in the flow it is important to put forth our energies towards a more loving do less is to deprive ourselves of the very love we seek.

So, go forward with love in your heart, with a smile for those you pass today and everyday, and with a sense of knowing you make a difference. You simply need to live by a set of values that is based on the SUPERSTAR acronym. Of course, it's easy for me to say, "simply," when I know it is not always that easy, but if you go forward with love, especially on this day of love, you will be heading in the right direction. Spread the Love, add Civility and Peace, and watch the world become more than you ever imagined!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Circle of Life

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Thanks for your patience during my recent hiatus. The circle of life is all around us if we only take the time to notice. All things go round-and-round in a never ending flow of energy. I was welcomed this past weekend to join new friends in a circle of blessing the renewing light that welcomes the coming Spring season with love and hope. This experience was very enlightening and powerful in its impact on me. It made me think of the ever increasing circle we are all creating by continuing to promote Love, Civility and Peace as Super-Stars.

If you believe, as I do, that what you put into the Universe will eventually come back around, and have an effect on all that which it has touched in the process, you are consciously and wholeheartedly doing your part to enhance the Universal energy toward a world of Love, Civility and Peace. Just as a tree shows years of growth and outward influence through the very circles embedded within itself as it matures, so does the outward growth of the Super-Star mission continue to grow, expand and mature its energy to the extent with which we use our thoughts, words and actions together, thereby enabling this circle continued development and effect.

The Super-Star mission of promoting Love, Civility and Peace continues to be a force of nature within the laws of the Universe. Keep putting all that you are into the Super-Star process and notice the many circles of life around you. Have you really looked at, and thought about, the many trees you pass everyday? What about all the people you have you treated them? The phrase, "Stop and smell the roses," is very appropriate for it may give you pause to appreciate the plentiful beauty of this planet; and, the Earth is round for a order to maintain the plan of the "Circle of Life."

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Beginning

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Today we watched the transition of leadership in this, The United States of America. This historic event was witnessed by millions - possibly even billions - of people around the world. I was enthralled by the image of so many of my fellow citizens who had traveled to the Nation's Capital, enduring the frigid temperatures for hours on end, just to be able to say they were a part of history; many did not even get a glimpse of President Barack Obama, but I don't think they cared...they were there and that's what mattered. I'm glad to see this country come together once again for this "New Beginning." This is a most important crossroad in time; a time for Love, Civility and Peace to replace its opposites in all the corners of this world we share.

President Obama is asking all of us to do our part to make the United States of America a land of cooperation and teamwork as we promote America's Democratic ideals at home and around the world. The importance of this "New Beginning" cannot be understated. I believe the Super-Star mission of promoting Love, Civility and Peace is one of the ways we may accomplish this task. Seek the Light in your heart and soul as you go forward with your thoughts, words and actions, while remembering the impact they have on the Universe.

A New Beginning is exactly what is needed around the world right now. I believe everything that has come before, which paved the way for our new President, happened as it was meant to and, when it was meant to...the Universal Plan is unfolding every day, every minute and every second...this Plan is right before us if only we have the eyes, ears and desire to see and believe. Let's make the best use of our time and talents for the good of all...continue to promote the Super-Star's worth the effort! Congratulations President Obama!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Belated Happy New Year!!!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy New Year!!! (Finally!) The New Year is solidly underway and, with the upcoming Inauguration of a new American President less that two weeks away, there seems to be a trend toward hope for the future. Hope is a necessary part of life...for without it...we might very well dwell on dire circumstance instead of yearning for a better life, a better world and therefore a future filled with Light and goodness. Indeed...a world of Love, Civility and Peace!

Hope gives us a reason to believe in believe in ourselves...and, to believe in endless possibilities. Take the time to dream and hope for what will best serve you and those you hold dear; believe you have the power to make a difference by doing just that. Hope is described as expectation that what is desired will come to pass...we need only to realize this expectation by taking action to achieve that for which we hope.

The New Year holds countless opportunities for us to add value to our existence and those we love. Approach this New Year with hope in your heart...use your thoughts, words and actions to expand the horizon and Universe for the good of all...remember, to help others is to help yourself. Promote Love, Civility and Peace to bring renewed hope to us all.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)