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Friday, November 21, 2008

Understanding and Compassion

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Understanding and Compassion, the first of the Super-Star acronym's ideals, are important parts of the broader mission, however, they are not limited to how we treat others...but, also to how we treat ourselves. It is paramount to the overall impact these attributes have on our everyday lives in how we project and use these qualities for their best effect and outcome. How do we become understanding and compassionate beings if we do not offer ourselves the same consideration? How, in this ever increasingly busy world, do we take the time to be understanding and compassionate? Why is it so important that we do indeed incorporate these qualities into good habits and act without conscious thought as a result?

It is easy to believe that we are such people...those who take the time needed without thought to our own help others. When we become focused on making understanding and compassion an integral part of who we are, it becomes second nature to be available when someone needs a shoulder to cry on, or when a situation arises that requires a soft touch or to simply offer someone an ear so that they can verbally unload their burden. Being an understanding and compassionate person helps heal the hurts of the world by taking them and smoothing the rough edges of despair and turning them into lessons of love.

In this same way, we are able to love ourselves by directing that same understanding and compassion toward our own problems; by realizing that we are also worthy of being loved. Sometimes we are hardest on ourselves...when we would easily offer someone else understanding and compassion for the same situation...but for ourselves, we criticize and berate our actions when what we really need to do is to remember that we are deserving of the same understanding and compassion that we readily give others. Loving yourself is just as important as loving accept less is a waste of time. Remember, promoting Love, Civility and Peace goes on and on...out from you and back to you: the ebb and flow of life.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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