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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011 !!!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy New Year!!! Three years ago today I made the first post to this blog and I want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your lives, to make a difference in the world and, for all of your positive feedback and encouragement. The gifts I send to you through my writing are given back to me in abundance, and more!

As we go forward into the next year, and beyond, I would ask you to please continue to share, foster and cultivate the Super-Star way of life and its message of promoting Love, Civility and Peace. Let us all spread as much Love, Light and positive energy as possible. The Universe is continually evolving and feeding on our energy; all thoughts, words and actions are part and parcel to this ebb and flow of all life.

Again, I thank you and wish you the very best all ways...and, with much love!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

World AIDS Day 2010 - A Special Message

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. December 1st is World AIDS Day. This day has been set aside as a Worldwide day of remembrance for all those persons we have lost; for all those who suffer today; and, for all those who are working to eradicate this pandemic. Our collective prayers and hope for a vaccine and cure are very much needed. Please send your thoughts of Love, Civility and Peace to all these souls.

I have said before, and I will say again, "My life has forever been touched and changed by the scourge of AIDS." I would think that at this point in the fight against AIDS, almost everyone still alive knows, or knows of, a person who has suffered or is still affected and living with the virus. Personally, I have lost many of my friends over the past twenty-five plus years to this many wasted lives...too many.

In the Super-Star spirit of caring for others, please continue to send positive light and love to this cause. Remember that we are all here for a purpose. Support each other equally and with dignity. Love each other with joy and blessings. Be kind in all ways. Give of yourself as much as possible. Together...WE do indeed...make a difference

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanks for Giving...

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. This week brings with it the opportunity to send thanks to all the people who are important to our daily lives. As well, it is a great time to remember, and thank, those who have selflessly given their time and love to improve the lives of others and to the world at-large. I am specifically thanking the Super-Star community for living a value driven life and spreading the Super-Star message.

During the holidays, we can choose to embrace the love, joy, hope for peace, and the significance this time of year inherently fosters. Take time to recognize that we each give of ourselves...and, that we are all equally important to the whole. For this, we must be eternally grateful because, without each other, we would be lonely and without purpose. Be thankful for every aspect of life the Universe has created as a blessing to behold and revere.

I truly THANK YOU, from the whole of my being, for your part in this, our Super-Star journey. I am blessed beyond words for the opportunity to be a part of your life through this venue. Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!! Thank YOU for promoting Love, Civility and Peace!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Friends and Family

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Tonight, I am currently celebrating the fellowship of being with family and friends. With the holidays upon us, these times have the opportunity of being the best we've ever had and shared together...should we choose to celebrate with that frame of mind. After all of my health problems this year, I feel fortunate to be here...the here and now here. I certainly intend to enjoy every single minute of every day. I highly recommend this choice. Hmm...

Time with family is precious and worthy of the special recognition it marks in our hearts for its lifelong impact. When we remember the nostalgia of previous days and years; the smell of holiday food cooking, the conversations of love and caring...we will surely embrace these feelings and hold them close. Friends may come and go, but let us remember, these are the people we CHOOSE to spend time with (anytime of the year)...these people may very well become a part of our "extended family;" always in our thoughts and prayers, just as is our family; every one a blessing to be cherished as we grow older, and wiser, together.

Family and Friends are the cornerstones of our lives; part of the foundation upon which we be who we are, to do what we must and, helping us to remember, and understand, why. The why is what keeps us going; the reality of tomorrow, and the days to come, will lead the way. The Super-Star message and mission is the perfect gift for all those we hold close and love. Celebrate the magic of the holiday season with all the people you hold dear. Share the Love...Share the Civility and, most definitely, Share the Peace!!! Now, it's time to get back to my family and friends...salute!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!!!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Super-Stars to the Rescue!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Today I had a "SNAFU" with my car. After finishing an errand, I got into the car, put the key into the ignition and the key would not turn. I am generally mechanically savvy (or so I like to think - ha!) I tried everything I knew to get the key to turn; turning the wheel to engage and release its locking mechanism in order that the key would work (no such luck); releasing the transmission shifter into neutral (again, no luck); nothing I tried worked. However, as I considered my options, I thought, "Okay...all is in Divine order. Just try to stay calm."

First, I called my friend Michelle, who promptly dropped everything she was doing and came to my rescue...I believe she showed-up in less than ten minutes knowing I had a long list of errands still to get done in the bargain...A true Super-Star, to say the least!!! Then, I had her try to get the key to turn...not happening...Grrr!!! As she was sitting in the car, a gentleman happened along and asked if he could help. We said, "Sure, can't hurt." Well, of course, it took him less than half-a-minute to get the key to finally turn and the car started. Yippee!!!

This gentleman's name is Raymond. Here was a man just being a Good Samaritan and, in so doing, was my second hero of the day. Forevermore, he is a Super-Star as far as I'm concerned. Thanks Raymond!!! And Michelle...I already knew she was a Super-Star, but today, she went above and beyond. She even followed me to my next stop to make sure the car would start again...of course, all was fine. Thanks're TRULY a Super-Star!!! And, all played-out in Divine order...

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thoughts on Maturing...

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I have written before about my coming to realize that growing-up, or maturing, is a lifelong process. Whether we are at the beginning of our teen years or, in our twenties or thirties and beyond, there is an on-going process of realization that perhaps we may have behaved in an inappropriate manner at one point or another in the past. This realization is key to the maturing process. Making amends and admitting those regressions to the people they have affected is paramount to growing-up and making appropriate adjustments. The thoughts, words and actions we choose in this process will directly steer us toward being the value-driven kind of person for which the Super-Star acronym stands and, realizing the sought-after goals we set for ourselves.

When I was a teenager, I thought I knew everything and, of course, that my parents did not. It dawned on me in my early twenties that perhaps I was mistaken in those teenage beliefs, for which I readily apologized to my parents, and made amends for my actions as a teenager. It is now that I realize my parents had already been teenagers themselves and that they knew much more than I gave them credit for and, that each generation goes through the same rites of passage as they grow into young adults. I have found that the notion that we are "All grown-up" because we have reached our twenties is continually challenged as I get older. When we finally realize maturing is a lifelong process, we are able to forgive ourselves, and others, for perceived mistakes in order to move on in this life without guilt; it is very important to recognize our mistakes and make amends along life's journey.

Learning the truth about how our own thoughts, words and actions really do affect ourselves, and each other, is an enlightening and powerful experience. The fact that we are all on the same journey we call "Life," gives us the opportunity to acknowledge how similar we are and, in that spirit of togetherness, that we are all at various levels of maturity; which is not necessarily determined by chronological age, but rather by each person's experiences and their willingness to discover and grow with the lessons of "Life." Remember to be kind when you recognize that someone is on a learning curve and needs space and time to their own their own pace...just as you need the same. Living a Super-Star life is a good place to start...the Universe will gratefully accept all positive choices!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Gift!!!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Each and every one of us is a GIFT unto this world...this Universe we share. That's right...think about it...all of us, our family members and friends, are individually special...and, in so many ways that deserve recognition and affirmation. The impact we have in this life is so much more than that which we give ourselves credence. And, for that, we each need to acknowledge that we are a GIFT!!!

A Gift is a present to cherish; a treasure to behold; and, a giving of heart and soul. Our thoughts, words and actions are contributions to the whole; the source of energy which nurtures the Universe; and, as we give of ourselves, we too, receive much in return through the relationships we cultivate. Wow, as we collectively empower each other, our lives are richer for the effort...yes, truly and always, a GIFT!!!

With that in mind, please be continually cognizant of how important you consequential your every action...and, how worthwhile you are as a part of the whole. Please continue to live a life that promotes Love, Civility and Peace and the Super-Star message!!! That is a GIFT I wholeheartedly endorse and give freely!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Thank YOU!!!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I would like to thank all of my family and friends for your love, prayers and continued well wishes as I continue to recover after a heart attack I suffered just over a month ago. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it all. However, the prognosis is very promising and gives me much encouragement and hope for a healthier tomorrow.

The Super-Star blog and mission has been put on a back-burner as a result, but I am very much dedicated to continuing the journey. And, of course, I hope you will keep the message and mission alive too, as we watch our Super-Star future unfold. I know my passion for us creating a much kinder and positive world together is as strong as ever. We are the ones and the time is NOW! I truly believe the possibilities are as infinite as the Universe, which is ever growing and, supportive of our every effort. Please continue to cultivate the habit of Love, Civility and Peace.

Again, I thank you all. Know that I am doing as much as possible to recover fully and have begun a journey of healthier choices; some things are just not on the menu anymore...(ie. cigarettes, fastfood and all that junkfood I formerly consumed.) The Super-Star message and mission shall always be on the menu! So, please go forward promoting Love, Civility and Peace!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

We Make a Difference!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. We Make a Difference!!! Simply by being Polite, Courteous and Gracious. When we interact with family, friends and others, these attributes, and more, will serve us well and, that will help spread the Super-Star spirit and message of Love, Civility and Peace. Imagine the many beneficial consequences that will be produced if we all practice and, therefore, make these quality attributes a habit of our everyday lives. Why does it matter if we are Polite, Courteous and Gracious? How does the way we treat others affect us?

The Laws of the Universe naturally and effectively expand the ripple effect our thoughts, words and actions have on the whole. The consequences of all this Makes a Difference! For instance, when you practice these quality habits, you may see an immediate response in kind which will also brighten your day and life...because, We Made a Difference! So yes, it matters and, together, we are collectively building a brighter future. Keep in mind that how we treat others inevitably affects how we are treated in return.

The return on the investment of the quality habits we practice, by simply being nice, will come back to us when we least expect it and, when it is most needed. The Universe is set-up to give back to us that which we put forth. I don't know about you, but I prefer people being nice to me. The world is a diverse community that deserves our regard and kindness. As Super-Stars, it is our job to spread the message; it is responsible to think, speak and act in a quality manner; and, it's the right thing to do. So, go forward being Polite, Courteous, Gracious and, so much more; they are all quality habits worth cultivating. We do, indeed, Make a Difference!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Positive Forces...

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. In keeping with the Super-Star mission, please keep sending the Positive Force of your thoughts, words and actions into the Universe. When you see someone who seems sad, send them positive vibes; when you recognize that a negative situation is brewing, send out your positive vibes to those all involved; when all is well, continue to think, say and do the positive thing. The Positive Force, of us all, is a mighty tool indeed, and one which the Universe needs and appreciates.

The mystery of the Universe continues to unfold and show us just how very much of a difference we all make with our day-to-day lives...individually and collectively. We need only to really take a look around to notice the impact we make, let alone the impact we make as a UNITED Positive Force. The possibilities toward the good of mankind, and of all the creatures of the Universe, are infinite...just as the reaches of the Universe are infinite and Divine.

Be a Positive Force in every thing, in every way and, forevermore!!! The mission is simple...the rewards are beyond imagination...but, the outcome is the destiny we choose by our very thoughts, words and actions as Super-Stars! Continue the journey of choice toward a more abundant life with the power of Positive Force!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Taking the Lead...

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Sometimes I find it necessary to "Take the lead..." for situations that arise, which I have tried to resolve peacefully with patience and compassion, but then find myself at a dead-end. Point-in-fact...I tried to reason with a man who has an aggressive dog. His dog has attacked several other dogs at the dog park on more than one occasion. I had hoped to get him to at least consider that his dog is truly aggressive and a nuisance to other people and their pets who frequent this dog park. This is not the first time I have had this conversation with the same person. I, and many others, have seen time and again the actions of his dog. His excuse is always that it is the other dog's fault.

Unfortunately, this man did not agree with my opinion, nor the opinion of many of the other people at the park. So, I took the lead and called the police. I did tell him I was doing so, but I guess he didn't believe me, because he continued to stay at the park and, in the meantime, his dog was in two more aggressive situations. Sometimes you just want to scream!!! Of course, that would not help and, is not a very Super-Star way of doing things. Anyhow, the police arrived at the dog park and, after I showed them where he was...(trying to leave the park before encountering the authorities)...they eventually banned him and his dog from the park for at least six months. My thanks to the many dog owners, who came forward once the police were there, who confirmed and backed-up my allegations with the officers.

"Taking the Lead" is not always easy or comfortable, but some situations warrant action and this was one of them! Safety at the dog park is a mutual responsibility shared by all of the dog owners who use the facility. This man was duly warned and disregarded every single sign that his dog was a problem. I am hopeful that this man takes the time to realize how significant a responsibility it is to consider the safety and well-being of all. By the way, I do not even own a dog; I have gone to this park occasionally with a friend and her dog. She tells me there is now a collective sigh of relief from the other people who frequent the park. "Take the Lead" a Super-Star...promote Love, Civility and Peace!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Life's Lessons

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. As we mature throughout life - I believe this is a lifelong process - we are given many options from which to choose on how we want to be, and live. Some people take risky pathways, but others may be more careful as to where they focus their energies and innate gifts. Either way, living a Super-Star life, driven by the core values of the acronym, will certainly give you a place from which to help build a world of Love, Civility and Peace. While creating a value-driven life, it is important to remember that you are always learning and embracing new ideals, but it is just as important to teach these values and ideals as you grow. All of life's lessons are the building blocks of our existence.

Teaching and learning go hand-in-hand. Teaching, by using words and the actions to back them up, is most effective when done with an expectation of success - staying positive is crucial. I think it is also important to admit if you have made a mistake...think about the are sharing a learning experience with someone else and, in turn, they too have learned the lesson. As well, appreciation for your forthright humility, will further the outcome. Sharing our values gives us the opportunity to teach each other, but also allows us to learn from those we are trying to help...including ourselves. The energy continues on and on...into the ripples of the principle Laws of the Universe.

Keep promoting Love, Civility and Peace. Teach and learn. Learn and teach. The effort will be worth your time as you make a difference in your own life, as well as the lives of your family and friends...and all their friends...and all the friends of friends...the infinite possibilities of the extent to which your thoughts, words and actions will resound is amazing to imagine. All is possible when we live and love through a value-based foundation.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Paying Attention

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Please take the time this week to pay attention to what is really going on around you. Is there an elderly person that may need your help putting groceries in the trunk of their car? Would you help them if you noticed they were having difficulty? Do you notice, or acknowledge, the people who serve us everyday...police, firefighters, people in the military or, those that are obviously veterans? Do you ever think to thank them? If our path's cross in a store, I say, "thank you!" They really appreciate knowing you care. What about the store clerk? Do you treat them kindly? Wherever your travels take you, go forward with kindness and love for those with whom you share the world.

Every good deed you do will come back ten-fold. You may not even realize the connection when it comes back to you, but you must believe it will. Because it is just as the ocean constantly hits the shore with waves and their never-ending ebb and flow of give and take. Some call it Karma, some call it laws of the Universe and, still others, call it the Lord's way...what goes, must come back - and what comes back, must go...Yin and Yang.

So, spend your week practicing kindness and spreading love. You will begin to notice that the people and events around you are part of the ebb and flow of your life and deserve your attention and respect...just as you deserve it in return from others. Expect, and accept, no less. In the meantime, pay attention to your world...go forward promoting Love, Civility and Peace!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day - 2010

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy Valentine's Day! On this day devoted to affairs of the heart, it is an especially good day to spread the LOVE! I hope your day is filled with every way imaginable. Adding Civility and Peace, as the mission of this blog encourages, would be a wonderful way to round out the holiday. May your world be filled with...Love, Civility and Peace!

Love comes in many forms and, from many sources. The Universe gives us its love by providing us with everything we need to survive and prosper; by giving us each other to care for and love; and, by opening its infinite possibilities. Living your life from a position of Love is a good place to start; finding passion and purpose will make the journey all the better. Every day lived with love at its core, is a day well-lived!

Take the time to cultivate a loving and caring existence. Be kind to yourself and others...from your loving self. Compassion, Graciousness and Consideration are other forms of Love. Notice how Love changes the dynamics of your relationships with others. Make someones day with a small token of your appreciation for having them in your is a loving kindness to let people know how much you value them. So, go forward Super-Stars and spread the Love!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Trusting requires the possibilities. The Universe supports this trust with positive results. Think about it for a moment...when you are hopeful and grateful for that which you trust will be...well then, so it is. The timing of receiving these gifts of our trusting thoughts, words and actions is well placed if put in the hands of the Universe. This truth is often overlooked, but nonetheless before us time and again...if only we trust.

Hmmm. The more we become connected to the Universal flow of life, and our impact upon it, the more we will be trusting of the positive outcome. Trust is the foundation of all...the foundation of our very existence. Wow! Wrap your thoughts around that...the solid foundation of all relationships is TRUST. This extends to our relationships with ourselves, others and everything we might imagine.

Exactly. WOW! So, trust in the positive outflow of your thoughts, words and actions. Trust that the Universe is aligned with our collective belief that all is in Divine order and, that whatever is happening right now, this minute, is the result of this collaboration we continually create and recreate together. There is a continuum of the natural order of the Universe. As the saying goes, "The truth shall set you free!" Well, my truth is in the way I live my life...promoting the Super-Star mission of an ever widening sphere of Love, Civility and Peace. The possibilities are is paramount.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Gentle Art of Blessing...a Video Worth the Time

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are doing well. My sister, Catherine, sent an email to me with this link a few weeks ago and I have just now viewed the video. The message is so very close to the Super-Star mission that I felt I must share it with all of you and hope that, you too, will share it on and on...

As we promote Love, Civility and Peace, we are messengers of the Universe, and it is to this aspect of being a Super-Star to which this video speaks. My many Blessings to you all.

With love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

p.s. Many thanks to my sister for you!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Coming Together for Humankind

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. It has been nearly two weeks since the tragic earthquake hit Haiti; which has destroyed the majority of buildings in its Capital and elsewhere. News of survivors still being rescued is cause for a shred of hope in this small and impoverished country; they are literally hanging on by the thread of humanity the world is currently showing. It is in these instances we see the true meaning of Universal brotherhood; we simply MUST do everything possible to help. Whether you are on the scene doing good works, donating time and money or, praying for those in need, it matters that you matters that the world comes together to help these, and any, innocent victims of nature's wrath.

I am always encouraged to see, that when it comes down to it, the peoples of the world come together in times of tragedy to help their fellow humankind. Even those who may be at political odds with each other, put aside their differences when it matters. I believe this is a prime example of the possibilities when all is well...we can come together for the common good of all...a synergism that benefits all parties...resulting in a Super-Star like existence around the world. Let us come together in all things...believe in, and achieve, a world of Love, Civility and Peace.

As we recognize the possibilities, continue to put your energies into the process so that the outcome is a positive reflection of all we are and, all we are meant to be...together. Remember that we are all important pieces of the Universal puzzle. Each and every one of us makes a difference. Let us do all we can to help the people of Haiti regain some semblance of normalcy and help them rebuild their nation into a thriving and prosperous country so that they will have abundant opportunities for success after such a devastating event. It is the Super-Star way...promoting Love, Civility and Peace...for ALL!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,

Glenna :-)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dr. Martin Luther King

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. When I started this web site and blog I can't say Dr. King was my inspiration but, as this weekend heralds his birthday, and I reflect upon the impact he had on the world and the civil rights movement, I can definitely say that I think his life's mission was centered in promoting equality for ALL through Love, Civility and Peace.

It's apparent that his work must continue; I was saddened this week to hear someone using derogatory language towards the African-American community. My response was, "Shame, shame, shame." This person then said, "I'm a Southerner and will always be a Southerner..." Again, I said, "Shame, shame, shame." It is time to put these discrimination's behind us...time to realize the value of ALL people...time to remember that we are ALL important parts of the puzzle we call the Universe. Please let go of our differences and embrace a more thoughtful and civil life path...where all the peoples of the world are respected...where those who are discriminated against, also realize they are perpetuating the same against those who are different, and, where Love, Civility and Peace reigns above all else.

Words do not adequately express how important Dr. King's work was, and still is, to the world. The ripple effect of his life's journey will continue for all time. God bless you were a true Super Star! Happy Birthday to the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!

In love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Habit of Civility

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I believe civility is one of the most basic elements of a decent and just society. Human rights for all depends upon our mutual compassion for each other. By being polite, courteous and respectful, we nurture habits which then become natural responses to everyday situations. This will lead us to make choices that are positive...choices that make us feel more satisfied with our lives and who we are...and, as a result, those become good choices for the world. Especially for our own sphere of family, friends and acquaintances. All deeds, good and bad, have a ripple effect on our lives and the Universe as a whole.

It is important to keep in mind that ALL people are created with inherent rights and deserve to live in a world of civility. Whether you are the President of the United States, a day-laborer, or a down-on-their-luck homeless person, YOU are equally valuable to the whole of the Universe. This is a critical aspect of civility...again, ALL people are equal and should be treated with dignity...without exception...the world around!

Remember, the CHOICES we make impact our world and sphere of living. Make good choices in your daily lives. Civility is a cornerstone of democracy and decency. It really comes down to being a nice person. I believe we all like to think we're nice people...let's practice what we think. Cultivate the Habit of Civility...the Universe, and I, thank you!

Think - Live - Be - A Super Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Old Friends...New Beginnings...

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I also hope the New Year is greeting you with an abundance of Love, Civility and Peace! This week, on a lark, I "Googled" the name of someone I have known for over thirty years and, for whom I have been searching for many years after losing contact. Finally, through Google, I found my friend and we have reconnected via the phone. The joy of hearing her voice, catching-up on each other's lives and knowing that this is an opportunity for a new chapter in both of our lives, is a wonderful feeling; we are both beyond excited and thrilled.

This good fortune brings me to realize that the innate persistence of my thoughts, words and actions has definitely had an impact on the very success of my ongoing search for old friends. The Universe always rewards the efforts we put forth...perhaps, not always in the time-frame we would wish for, but, eventually. I truly believe and have faith in the saying, "All in Divine Order." I highly recommend keeping focused on our goals; success is sweet and I rejoice in the gift the Universe has given me in this week. I have had similar success in the past, and I cherish all those "found" friends...I am enriched beyond measure for having you all back in my life!

I can see why so many of the Internet "Networking" sites are so popular...I have finally joined Facebook (I am experiencing an interesting learning curve figuring out all the options and whatnots...LOL.) I encourage you to take the time to try to find your friends online, the options for doing so are seemingly endless...persistence and patience will pay-off. Reconnecting with those who have always held a place in our hearts is a wonderful way to start the New Year! Believe me, I have firsthand knowledge, and it is sweet indeed!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Hello Super-Stars! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you are all doing well. And, that the New Year continues to bring you the abundance a Universe of Love, Civility and Peace offers. I know many people have made plans for annual "resolutions" and I think that is great...I have a few of my own...but, I think this is a good time to think about the Universe. Yes, the entire Universe. However, what really matters to the ebb and flow of life is each of our own Universe's within the whole. Think about it...your life revolves, and evolves, just like the whole of the Universe...ever round-and-round...growing and expanding exponentially. We usually don't think about it, but our thoughts words and actions do indeed make a difference to our individual Universe, and in-turn, to the whole.

Wow! I know...take your time...wrap your brain around the concept...I've been dwelling on this idea for a while now for this New Year's Super-Star message, so I know it's a wee bit mind-boggling. What do you think about your personal Universe as it now stands? Is your life what you had envisioned it would become, in the here and now? How do you make a difference? How do I? Why are we in the here and now? What really is the here and now? How did we get here? Who, what and how do we want our Universe to look like? What is the point?

THE POINT IS...everyone and every little-bitty living thing we share the Universe with matters!!! YOU MATTER!!! EVERYTHING matters! Sounds why does life seem so complicated? Well...The Universe is pretty big and diverse and, constantly changing and growing. If you give yourself a minute to think about it's supposed to be complicated. However, let's narrow it down to our own Universe...that's all we really need to concentrate our energy on...our personal here and now...the whole will take care of itself. If we live by a set of values...such as what the Super-Star acronym stands for...and, whatever else is important to our individual Universe...that which makes our world complete...then, we have done well. Remember to think about the incredible impact your life has on others and, the impact others have on your Universe. Together, we are meant to be...together, we make a difference...TOGETHER, WE ARE THE UNIVERSE!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)