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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Super-Star Life

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I am now into the ninth month of writing the Super-Star blog; consciously promoting Love, Civility and Peace as my life's theme and mission. The warm reception you have given this venture is genuinely appreciated; thank you all for your support, enthusiasm and, for taking to heart, and living, the ideals for which the Super-Star acronym stands. Our collective actions are making a difference in each and every one of our lives and in the Universal, I sincerely THANK YOU!

Take a moment to think about the many positive and inspiring messages that are now surrounding your existence. It is not your imagination - there is a reason these things are happening in your life - by going forward as a value-based individual, you are attracting those things that are in your highest good. The Universe is an amazing vibrational masterpiece that provides and brings back to us that which we put forth. Wow!

Living a Super-Star life may be challenging at times, however, rewards are rarely realized without correct and positive thought, words and deeds; the effort is worth your time; it's worth OUR time. All living things are valuable beyond measure and definitely worthy of our consideration, graciousness and compassion. You want no less in return: yes, the proverbial circle of life. The Universe's vibration continues to expand and welcome the ever increasing community of messengers who are spending their lives toward the common good of us all. Thank you for joining me on this incredible Super-Star journey...together, we are an unstoppable force of nature.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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