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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Civil Rights

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. The month of June is symbolic of many historical Civil Rights accomplishments, as well as a time of celebration for other significant civility causes. June 6, 1944 saw the invasion of Normandy as the Allied forces invaded France to battle the Nazi regime and realize the eventual victory for the European Continent over oppression and genocide, which had been waged by tyrannical fanatics; the result of much sacrifice for the cause of civility and peace.

June 14th celebrates the adoption of the United States' flag, in 1777, as a symbol of our nation's freedom as a country. The flag has evolved and changed over these many years, just as America has done. Many civil rights's conquests have been waged and realized. Just this week, the Democratic National Committee has chosen an African-American gentleman, Barack Obama, to be the nominee of their party for the general Presidential election. Today, Senator Hillary Clinton graciously conceded her defeat in the Primary process; but again, having a woman as a Presidential candidate is historically significant and ground-breaking. We are witnessing history as we continue to move forward as a nation.

June is also the month that Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) people celebrate Pride events, which are being held around the country, to promote civil rights in that arena. As a lesbian, this topic is especially personal to me; I am a proud American and feel I am entitled as such to the many rights enjoyed, and taken for granted, by my heterosexual counterparts and friends. Yes, the cause for civil rights is ongoing; prejudice is alive and well...not just in America, but around the world, and I feel it is our responsibility to continue the push forward until ALL people are treated with respect and dignity. Promoting Love, Civility and Peace as a Super-Star is worth the effort, and history will eventually tell the story of our continued and combined conquests.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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