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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Honor Versus Gossip and Rumor

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Sometimes it seems in this day and age that honor is a forgotten value, yet at other times, it appears in the most unexpected places by someone you may not have previously thought to be very trustworthy but, later found out your reservations about that person were unfounded and based solely on rumor and gossip; that you were wrongly led to believe poorly of someone without getting to know them yourself and make your own conclusion. When you base your opinion of someone merely on gossip and rumor, you are not being honorable to them or, to yourself. You are allowing someone else to form your opinions for you instead of being in charge of your own beliefs and positions.

To be honorable is to be worthy of the esteem of others. By this I mean that regardless of the circumstance, you act in a manner that engenders the respect of your family, peers, co-workers, schoolmates and countless other people in your life because you acted without conscious thought in an honorable way. Think about what you consider in yourself to be worthy of being thought of as honorable. I believe we all want to be considered as honorable people. Do you recall times when you assumed something or allowed someone to sway your opinion without giving the situation and the person involved proper scrutiny? I know most of us are guilty of doing this...we want our friends to like us so we go along with their viewpoint. This type of behavior can become a habit that is easy to fall prey to, but it is something that can be remedied by becoming more aware of the motivation of the person trying to sway you and realizing that what you are hearing is gossip. Listening to and spreading gossip can be hurtful in the extreme when all is said and done. Most of us have had the spreading of rumor and gossip harm us personally and yet we allow it to continue through us without thought to the consequences to others. I wonder why this is so? Do you have any comments that would open discussion on this topic? Please post them on the web site's blog comment link.

Living an honorable and trustworthy life takes little time. As they say, practice makes perfect; however, when we fail to uphold our end of the bargain, it is never a bad thing to admit a mistake. Being brave enough to concede that you have made a mistake is honorable in and of itself. Be brave enough to stand-up for what is clearly right. Be brave enough to not allow gossip and rumor to continue through you. Be brave enough to tell your friends that you might not agree with their opinion; that perhaps further information is needed to make a sound assessment based on your own opinion of the facts. It's the honorable thing to do and it feels good to make-up your own mind based on your own investigation and thoughtful regard. Be brave enough to accept responsibility for your honor if the situation warrants such action. The bottom line brave, be honorable and, be a Super-Star!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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