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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Making good choices in everything we do is at times seemingly impossible because of the many temptations which we encounter on a daily basis. However, I believe that if we think about the foundation of all relationships - TRUST - we must then realize that everything else is supported by this foundation. Love grows from, and is supported by, trust. Friendships are grounded on trust. Business relationships are based on trust. Just as a house's foundation is made to hold the house intact, so is trust the foundation that holds relationships together.

When we make the choice to break a trust then we have put a crack in the foundation of the relationship. Certainly, the foundation can be repaired with help, but the scar of the fix will forevermore be there. All of our CHOICES affect our world in profound ways that are immeasurable. We may not even know that a choice has hurt another person's feelings or that they believe we have in some way betrayed them. Unless they are brave enough to bring the issue to our attention, we may never be able to make amends or realize that we have breached their trust. Be brave enough to let someone know if they have hurt you. Most importantly, be brave enough to admit your errors, your lapses in judgement or your poor choices when you recognize you have made them.

Making good choices may very well be the bravest thing you do everyday. Keeping the foundation of your life intact will lead you to a healthier, happier and truer existence. The foundation of your life is what holds the house that is you together. TRUST in yourself and trust in others to promote a world of love, civility and peace. Good choices are worth the effort.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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