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Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Gratitude List

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. After asking for ideas for a topic for today's blog posting, a very good friend of mine, Cynthia, suggested I write about keeping a Gratitude List. I thought this a wonderful idea; she keeps one and reviews it on a daily basis; as well, she adds to it as she realizes the many things for which she is grateful. She is convinced the list keeps her focused on the positive. I think it's a great idea and I agree positive thoughts create positive outcomes. Really, the simplicity is akin to counting our blessings...the more we focus on what is good, in ourselves and others, the core energy produced by such thoughts becomes a tangible force of intention.

I am grateful for the basic needs of life...a roof over my head, food to eat and the blessing of life itself; however, I am inclined to find blessings in every facet of my existence. I would be remiss were I not thankful for my family and their unconditional love and support or, for the circle of friends, of both long and short acquaintance, who care about and love me or, for the many people who have affected my life in one way or another; mentors, teachers and so many more. The very act of being grateful is positive energy well spent.

So, I am going to start my own Gratitude List and will continue to review and renew its content everyday in order to fill my life with appreciation for that which is important. I am slightly overwhelmed by the thought of writing it all down, but I know it will be worth the effort. The energy of positive reflection will bring with it the many forms of abundance such an endeavor is bound to attract. So, get out your pens and paper and join me on an another part of the Super-Star journey. Thoughts, words and actions in Gratitude!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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