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Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Memorial Day was established as a day of Remembrance for all those who have fought for Peace. I know it sounds absurd that we must "fight" for Peace. Why? Surely the human race is intelligent enough to realize that when fighting, Peace is absent; but the goal is still me, this is insane. However, history has shown, time and again, the fragility of Peace; continuing cycles of war and peace. Seemingly, generation after generation has faced some conflict or another. Again, I ask why?

I believe we should be thinking, speaking and taking action toward the goal of sustained Peace; thereby breaking the cycle that has plagued almost every generation, including our own, from the conflicts around the world. Do we want today's children to face a continued struggle for Peace? I think not. The goal has always been to make the future better for our children; it's time to create and include a peaceful existence for all peoples on Earth as part of that goal. Remember, as Super-Stars, together, we are MIGHTY!

Start today with an attitude toward creating a life and world that promotes Love, Civility and Peace! Know that the time is now to embark on, or continue, a Super-Star way of life. The benefits will be far-reaching...our own ripples in the fabric of the Universe will create the peaceful and loving world we all envision. This is our reality; we must think, talk and act PEACE! Please spread the message for Love, Civility and Peace...the time is now!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

P.S. Also, please remember those who have served to ensure Peace has had a chance...thank a Veteran today and everyday.

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