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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sincere Appreciation

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Appreciating the people in our lives is an important part of the process of nurturing our relationships and promoting Love. We may show our appreciation in a variety of ways - verbally, with actions or, a combination of both. It is important to let our family members know how sincere we are and, how much we appreciate having them in our lives. Letting them know we love them, even when they might not act as we wish they would...perhaps, we are not meeting their expectations either, but then expectations tend to get in the way of reality. All individuals hope that the decisions which they make are respected...without us putting our own expectations on those decisions....this is a two-way street, as is most everything. Either way, appreciating our family members nurtures them but, is also self-serving because the benefit of Love is never wasted. Duality is the way of the world...the yin and yang.

Appreciating our spouses or extension of our family important so that they know we are not taking them for granted; that they know having them in our lives is important and special; and, that they know we choose to be with them because of our Love for them and more. It is just as important to receive appreciation in return for all those reasons. Love and trust are the bonds of the relationship; however, knowing you are appreciated and, being reminded that you are, will definitely strengthen the relationship. Again, yin and yang.

Our friends are also an important and vital part of our lives. Taking the time to let them know how much their friendship means to us is paramount to maintaining a healthy and lasting bond. We Love our friends for who they are and hopefully we wisely choose those with whom we intend to spend time and emotional expense. Trust and Love will bear out in the long-term. Just remember to sincerely appreciate those people in your life who have impact and whom you Love; the reward will be worth the effort.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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