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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thoughts on the Holiday Rush

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. During this time of year, through the hustle and bustle to get the shopping done, bake the cookies, send out holiday cards and, attend all those lovely parties and events, can be just a wee bit overwhelming (don't forget all the fun you'll have wrapping gifts too!)., take a deep breath and slow down...I believe now is an excellent time to remember to be Polite, Courteous and Gracious. Plus, add a BIG DASH of patience, as well as the other Super-Star acronym's attributes to your way-of-life, and surely this year will be your best Holiday season yet! The Good Will of the season will naturally help spread the Super-Star spirit of Love, Civility and Peace; imagine what a difference we will make if we all slow down long enough to appreciate those around us simply by doing things, and encouraging others, in the Super-Star fashion.

The many beneficial consequences that will be produced if we all practice and, therefore, make these quality values a habit of our everyday lives, especially now, are immeasurable. Why does it matter if we are Polite, Courteous and Gracious? How does the way we treat others affect us? Or, affect those with whom we encounter? These Super-Star values are an important factor in the overall ripple effect our actions have on the Universe. The consequences of all our actions are both tangible and non-tangible. For instance, when you practice these Super-Star values, you may see an immediate response in kind which will brighten your day and, being nice to others as we traverse our life is good Karma; the non-tangible effect may be the regard and respect you are afforded in future (the good Karma coming back to reward your previous efforts). So yes, it matters to be Polite, Courteous and Gracious. It is also a superb way to promote Love, Civility and Peace!

The manner in which we treat others affects us on so many levels; the return on the investment we make by being nice will come back to us when we least expect it and, when we most need it; the Universe is set-up to give back to us that which we have put forth - I don't know about you, but I prefer people being nice to me. The world is a diverse community that deserves our regard and kindness. As Super-Stars, it is our job to spread the message; it is responsible to think, speak and act in a positive manner; and, it's the right thing to do. So, go forward as Polite, Courteous and Gracious's a good habit to cultivate.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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