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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Super-Stars to the Rescue!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Today I had a "SNAFU" with my car. After finishing an errand, I got into the car, put the key into the ignition and the key would not turn. I am generally mechanically savvy (or so I like to think - ha!) I tried everything I knew to get the key to turn; turning the wheel to engage and release its locking mechanism in order that the key would work (no such luck); releasing the transmission shifter into neutral (again, no luck); nothing I tried worked. However, as I considered my options, I thought, "Okay...all is in Divine order. Just try to stay calm."

First, I called my friend Michelle, who promptly dropped everything she was doing and came to my rescue...I believe she showed-up in less than ten minutes knowing I had a long list of errands still to get done in the bargain...A true Super-Star, to say the least!!! Then, I had her try to get the key to turn...not happening...Grrr!!! As she was sitting in the car, a gentleman happened along and asked if he could help. We said, "Sure, can't hurt." Well, of course, it took him less than half-a-minute to get the key to finally turn and the car started. Yippee!!!

This gentleman's name is Raymond. Here was a man just being a Good Samaritan and, in so doing, was my second hero of the day. Forevermore, he is a Super-Star as far as I'm concerned. Thanks Raymond!!! And Michelle...I already knew she was a Super-Star, but today, she went above and beyond. She even followed me to my next stop to make sure the car would start again...of course, all was fine. Thanks're TRULY a Super-Star!!! And, all played-out in Divine order...

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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