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Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Trusting requires the possibilities. The Universe supports this trust with positive results. Think about it for a moment...when you are hopeful and grateful for that which you trust will be...well then, so it is. The timing of receiving these gifts of our trusting thoughts, words and actions is well placed if put in the hands of the Universe. This truth is often overlooked, but nonetheless before us time and again...if only we trust.

Hmmm. The more we become connected to the Universal flow of life, and our impact upon it, the more we will be trusting of the positive outcome. Trust is the foundation of all...the foundation of our very existence. Wow! Wrap your thoughts around that...the solid foundation of all relationships is TRUST. This extends to our relationships with ourselves, others and everything we might imagine.

Exactly. WOW! So, trust in the positive outflow of your thoughts, words and actions. Trust that the Universe is aligned with our collective belief that all is in Divine order and, that whatever is happening right now, this minute, is the result of this collaboration we continually create and recreate together. There is a continuum of the natural order of the Universe. As the saying goes, "The truth shall set you free!" Well, my truth is in the way I live my life...promoting the Super-Star mission of an ever widening sphere of Love, Civility and Peace. The possibilities are is paramount.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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