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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Taking the Lead...

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Sometimes I find it necessary to "Take the lead..." for situations that arise, which I have tried to resolve peacefully with patience and compassion, but then find myself at a dead-end. Point-in-fact...I tried to reason with a man who has an aggressive dog. His dog has attacked several other dogs at the dog park on more than one occasion. I had hoped to get him to at least consider that his dog is truly aggressive and a nuisance to other people and their pets who frequent this dog park. This is not the first time I have had this conversation with the same person. I, and many others, have seen time and again the actions of his dog. His excuse is always that it is the other dog's fault.

Unfortunately, this man did not agree with my opinion, nor the opinion of many of the other people at the park. So, I took the lead and called the police. I did tell him I was doing so, but I guess he didn't believe me, because he continued to stay at the park and, in the meantime, his dog was in two more aggressive situations. Sometimes you just want to scream!!! Of course, that would not help and, is not a very Super-Star way of doing things. Anyhow, the police arrived at the dog park and, after I showed them where he was...(trying to leave the park before encountering the authorities)...they eventually banned him and his dog from the park for at least six months. My thanks to the many dog owners, who came forward once the police were there, who confirmed and backed-up my allegations with the officers.

"Taking the Lead" is not always easy or comfortable, but some situations warrant action and this was one of them! Safety at the dog park is a mutual responsibility shared by all of the dog owners who use the facility. This man was duly warned and disregarded every single sign that his dog was a problem. I am hopeful that this man takes the time to realize how significant a responsibility it is to consider the safety and well-being of all. By the way, I do not even own a dog; I have gone to this park occasionally with a friend and her dog. She tells me there is now a collective sigh of relief from the other people who frequent the park. "Take the Lead" a Super-Star...promote Love, Civility and Peace!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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