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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Caring and Thanks

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you had a great weekend! I want to ask you to personally thank those who care about you. Whether they are your spouse or partner, a family member, a friend or neighbor, a co-worker, a healthcare professional...whomever they may be, please recognize their worth to you. By doing so, you are recognizing your own worth. Yes, they care about you because you are worthy of their care and time.

We don't always take the time to thank others properly, but we also very rarely value our own selves and, if we are not worth it, then why do so many people care about us? I know we worry about what others think of us, or if they think we look okay or, any number of other meaningless trivial worries. The thing is, everyone else is worrying about the same stuff. It is human nature to worry about such. However, our energies would be much better spent by sending our love, thanks and caring out to others, ourselves and, therefore, the Universe.

So, during this week of St. Valentine's day, put love and caring out there...don't forget to care about yourself...get into the habit of projecting caring and will always come back to you ten-fold! I promise!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna ;-)

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