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Saturday, January 5, 2008


Hello! I was attending a 50th wedding anniversary party last month and, while speaking with an elderly woman I had just met, I learned that she had lost her wallet while Christmas shopping. She, of course, had immediately contacted all of her credit card companies to report the loss and was worried sick that someone would use her credit cards or steal her identity. You hear about the horrors of those things happening all too often these days. However, her wallet was found and given to the lost and found department of the store. They, in turn, contacted her and the story ended on a happy note. Thank God.

What I found interesting was how quickly we think the worst - we humans seem to be programmed that way. I asked all the people at the table where I was sitting why we now expect dishonesty - instead of trusting someone to find the wallet and turn it in, as was done in this case? Why do we consider ourselves to be trustworthy, but not others? No ready answers were forthcoming from the others. Yet, we all felt that we would be trustworthy - that we would have turned in a wallet we found.

I think that if we started believing in honesty first, we could change the course of nature and use the universal law of attraction to bring more trust back into our lives and back to the world. Should we still report the loss? Absolutely. However, having faith that all will turn out for the best may very well be the energy that will lead an honest and trustworthy individual to find the lost wallet, as happened in this instance.

Do you consider yourself to be honest and trustworthy? Would you have turned-in a found wallet or other valuable? Are you living a Super Star life? I am. Am I perfect? No, I'm not, but I try everyday to do the best I can and that's all anyone can ask. I have discovered that going forward with the Super Star acronym as the basis of my core values, and by promoting love, civility and peace in the process, my life is more fulfilling and I believe yours can be too. So I ask you to please...

Think - Live - Be a Super Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)
p.s. go to the super star blog page and click on comments to add your thoughts...thanks!

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