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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Living in Gratitude

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. My Gratitude List continues to grow and, with that in mind, I would like to share with you that which became abundantly clear to me over this Thanksgiving Day weekend. Although already on my List...I am so very grateful for the energy of the Universe and how it works in my daily leading me to the people, events and awareness that continuously teaches me about a higher sense of self. This long holiday weekend showed me the many facets of how each and every one of us adds to the life of another through our very presence in the moment together. Take a minute to think about the magnitude of this statement.

Our very presence together is meant to that moment...for many reasons...most especially, for the continued expansion of the positive Universal energy we create together in kindness; (which naturally promotes Love, Civility and Peace.) I came to really know and feel a higher sense of self and purpose Wednesday night while I attended a Lecture Series, Exploring Universal Spiritual Themes, by Rev. Taylor E. Stevens, a national lecturer, author, life coach, spiritual counselor and performing artist. The energy and message revolved around A Thanks-Living Celebration!

His message, though complex and thought provoking, was also, for me, a soulful fulfillment of sorts that is hard to explain except to say that after the event, I felt renewed and somehow a better person than I was before. The main message I received that night is that by Living in Gratitude we EXPAND OUR CAPACITY FOR RECEIVING. Take another minute to think about the meaning of the statement. As we are grateful, so too, are we opening our souls to receive the gratitude we have put forth...we are opening ourselves to the abundance we have given by Living in Gratitude!!! WOW!!! I invite you to visit Rev. Taylor's web site at: (Thanks, Taylor, I am duly inspired by the gift you are and, by the impact your presence in that moment meant to me.)

In the meantime...

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation and GRATITUDE!
Glenna :-)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving 2009!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I wish each and every one of you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for supporting and sharing the Super-Star message; I appreciate all you do to help make this a better world. Now that the holiday season is truly upon us, take the time to be thankful for all the good things in the world and put a positive twist on all you think, say and make a difference everyday! Believe it!

As you spend time with family and friends, celebrating the holidays, please take the time to look around at the splendor that is your life. Think about how all these people affect your life and, how you affect theirs. This time of year is especially important to really see the glory of your life, to realize the true impact your very presence makes and to be thankful for all of the blessings - big and small - that are an inherent part of who you are now, as well as how these blessings are shaping the person you are yet to become. Believe it!

Shine in the Light of the holidays! Share the Light of the Super-Star ideals in your every thought, word and action...give thanks to all those whom you encounter. Encourage the less fortunate with your Super-Star Light. Give the gift of a smile and laughter. Give yourself, and others, the gift of forgiveness. Find ways to brighten a person's day. The gift of your love will always be treasured by those who receive it; just as you cherish and hold the love and warmth they return. These are all things to be thankful for...BELIEVE IT!!!


Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Details Make a Difference

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. There have been a series of unrelated events, which have affected my life in one way or another during the last week and, which beg thoughtful reflection. I am generally a detail oriented person, but as I look back on the last week, apparently I am not as thorough as I believed...OH MY! I have found that the most minute of details makes a difference. For instance, I have come to realize that everyday habits are done without much thought and because of this you don't always remember exactly what you did indeed, actually do. Hmmm...

This can lead to many unwanted situations, or results, arising...such as, buying a half-gallon of whole milk instead of the half-and-half cream I usually choose. I just assumed it was the cream (it was where the cream usually is - I'm positive there were cartons of cream there!) and...the containers are so similar in color and design...oh well...I guess I wasn't really paying attention. I also managed to "misplace" my checkbook...I finally found it in my purse...not where I usually keep it...I don't even remember putting it there!!! I could go on and on, it was that kind of week. Hmmm...

Anyhow, the moral of the story is that details make a difference!!! Paying attention not only to our own thoughts, words and actions but, to the world we live in, will make a difference all around, and save time too! I should also note here, that at I have advocated the importance of noticing the fine details of everyday living to family and friends (you know who you are!) ...some of whom may not be so inclined to see the details and, who seem to go through life skimming the surface...I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE for my past comments...(not that it won't come up again) but, I see now that I am as likely to skim the surface and not notice those pesky details. As well, I should keep in mind that my time is better spent promoting the Super-Star mission of Love, Civility and Peace and all the inherent values of the acronym, rather than commenting on the actions of others. Truly, my apologies! Hmmm...

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Gratitude List

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. After asking for ideas for a topic for today's blog posting, a very good friend of mine, Cynthia, suggested I write about keeping a Gratitude List. I thought this a wonderful idea; she keeps one and reviews it on a daily basis; as well, she adds to it as she realizes the many things for which she is grateful. She is convinced the list keeps her focused on the positive. I think it's a great idea and I agree positive thoughts create positive outcomes. Really, the simplicity is akin to counting our blessings...the more we focus on what is good, in ourselves and others, the core energy produced by such thoughts becomes a tangible force of intention.

I am grateful for the basic needs of life...a roof over my head, food to eat and the blessing of life itself; however, I am inclined to find blessings in every facet of my existence. I would be remiss were I not thankful for my family and their unconditional love and support or, for the circle of friends, of both long and short acquaintance, who care about and love me or, for the many people who have affected my life in one way or another; mentors, teachers and so many more. The very act of being grateful is positive energy well spent.

So, I am going to start my own Gratitude List and will continue to review and renew its content everyday in order to fill my life with appreciation for that which is important. I am slightly overwhelmed by the thought of writing it all down, but I know it will be worth the effort. The energy of positive reflection will bring with it the many forms of abundance such an endeavor is bound to attract. So, get out your pens and paper and join me on an another part of the Super-Star journey. Thoughts, words and actions in Gratitude!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

An Accomplished Super-Star!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Every now and then someone comes into your life who you just know is a kindred spirit...a Super-Star! I want to share a story about someone who, in my opinion, is exactly that, and then some! On short acquaintance to a friend of mine, Casey Lee Justice, came to the rescue by offering to help my friend; and, from what I understand, Casey has and does help many others whenever possible. This amazing woman spent untold hours - (probably more than a dozen!) - working on my friend's car so we could get the vehicle started and to a service facility; all that time and work in order to avoid a towing expense.

I am inspired by her charity of self - offering to help without being asked to do so, by the way she very simply said, "don't worry, I'm on my way," and, by her attitude that it was not unusual to be a friend - we certainly need as many like her in the world as possible! Her intelligence, talent and perseverance are also significant attributes which deserve notice. There are not enough words to describe what her sacrifice of time meant to my friend, and for that matter, to me. It's not everyday you meet someone who is willing to go out of their way, as she did - especially when you have only known them for a month or less.

The Universe does indeed provide miracles...some are certain events...others, are the people who come into our lives...people just like Casey. I am honored to have had the opportunity to meet her. Thanks, Casey, you TRULY are...A Super-Star!!! An inspiration to us all!!! Myself...I guess you noticed that I am duly impressed!

By the way, Casey Lee Justice is an accomplished and Award-Winning Professional in Motion Picture and Advertising arenas - doing work in a wide variety of capacities - check out her resume online at:

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)