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Monday, October 25, 2010

Friends and Family

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Tonight, I am currently celebrating the fellowship of being with family and friends. With the holidays upon us, these times have the opportunity of being the best we've ever had and shared together...should we choose to celebrate with that frame of mind. After all of my health problems this year, I feel fortunate to be here...the here and now here. I certainly intend to enjoy every single minute of every day. I highly recommend this choice. Hmm...

Time with family is precious and worthy of the special recognition it marks in our hearts for its lifelong impact. When we remember the nostalgia of previous days and years; the smell of holiday food cooking, the conversations of love and caring...we will surely embrace these feelings and hold them close. Friends may come and go, but let us remember, these are the people we CHOOSE to spend time with (anytime of the year)...these people may very well become a part of our "extended family;" always in our thoughts and prayers, just as is our family; every one a blessing to be cherished as we grow older, and wiser, together.

Family and Friends are the cornerstones of our lives; part of the foundation upon which we be who we are, to do what we must and, helping us to remember, and understand, why. The why is what keeps us going; the reality of tomorrow, and the days to come, will lead the way. The Super-Star message and mission is the perfect gift for all those we hold close and love. Celebrate the magic of the holiday season with all the people you hold dear. Share the Love...Share the Civility and, most definitely, Share the Peace!!! Now, it's time to get back to my family and friends...salute!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!!!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Super-Stars to the Rescue!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Today I had a "SNAFU" with my car. After finishing an errand, I got into the car, put the key into the ignition and the key would not turn. I am generally mechanically savvy (or so I like to think - ha!) I tried everything I knew to get the key to turn; turning the wheel to engage and release its locking mechanism in order that the key would work (no such luck); releasing the transmission shifter into neutral (again, no luck); nothing I tried worked. However, as I considered my options, I thought, "Okay...all is in Divine order. Just try to stay calm."

First, I called my friend Michelle, who promptly dropped everything she was doing and came to my rescue...I believe she showed-up in less than ten minutes knowing I had a long list of errands still to get done in the bargain...A true Super-Star, to say the least!!! Then, I had her try to get the key to turn...not happening...Grrr!!! As she was sitting in the car, a gentleman happened along and asked if he could help. We said, "Sure, can't hurt." Well, of course, it took him less than half-a-minute to get the key to finally turn and the car started. Yippee!!!

This gentleman's name is Raymond. Here was a man just being a Good Samaritan and, in so doing, was my second hero of the day. Forevermore, he is a Super-Star as far as I'm concerned. Thanks Raymond!!! And Michelle...I already knew she was a Super-Star, but today, she went above and beyond. She even followed me to my next stop to make sure the car would start again...of course, all was fine. Thanks're TRULY a Super-Star!!! And, all played-out in Divine order...

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thoughts on Maturing...

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I have written before about my coming to realize that growing-up, or maturing, is a lifelong process. Whether we are at the beginning of our teen years or, in our twenties or thirties and beyond, there is an on-going process of realization that perhaps we may have behaved in an inappropriate manner at one point or another in the past. This realization is key to the maturing process. Making amends and admitting those regressions to the people they have affected is paramount to growing-up and making appropriate adjustments. The thoughts, words and actions we choose in this process will directly steer us toward being the value-driven kind of person for which the Super-Star acronym stands and, realizing the sought-after goals we set for ourselves.

When I was a teenager, I thought I knew everything and, of course, that my parents did not. It dawned on me in my early twenties that perhaps I was mistaken in those teenage beliefs, for which I readily apologized to my parents, and made amends for my actions as a teenager. It is now that I realize my parents had already been teenagers themselves and that they knew much more than I gave them credit for and, that each generation goes through the same rites of passage as they grow into young adults. I have found that the notion that we are "All grown-up" because we have reached our twenties is continually challenged as I get older. When we finally realize maturing is a lifelong process, we are able to forgive ourselves, and others, for perceived mistakes in order to move on in this life without guilt; it is very important to recognize our mistakes and make amends along life's journey.

Learning the truth about how our own thoughts, words and actions really do affect ourselves, and each other, is an enlightening and powerful experience. The fact that we are all on the same journey we call "Life," gives us the opportunity to acknowledge how similar we are and, in that spirit of togetherness, that we are all at various levels of maturity; which is not necessarily determined by chronological age, but rather by each person's experiences and their willingness to discover and grow with the lessons of "Life." Remember to be kind when you recognize that someone is on a learning curve and needs space and time to their own their own pace...just as you need the same. Living a Super-Star life is a good place to start...the Universe will gratefully accept all positive choices!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)