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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Paying Attention

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Please take the time this week to pay attention to what is really going on around you. Is there an elderly person that may need your help putting groceries in the trunk of their car? Would you help them if you noticed they were having difficulty? Do you notice, or acknowledge, the people who serve us everyday...police, firefighters, people in the military or, those that are obviously veterans? Do you ever think to thank them? If our path's cross in a store, I say, "thank you!" They really appreciate knowing you care. What about the store clerk? Do you treat them kindly? Wherever your travels take you, go forward with kindness and love for those with whom you share the world.

Every good deed you do will come back ten-fold. You may not even realize the connection when it comes back to you, but you must believe it will. Because it is just as the ocean constantly hits the shore with waves and their never-ending ebb and flow of give and take. Some call it Karma, some call it laws of the Universe and, still others, call it the Lord's way...what goes, must come back - and what comes back, must go...Yin and Yang.

So, spend your week practicing kindness and spreading love. You will begin to notice that the people and events around you are part of the ebb and flow of your life and deserve your attention and respect...just as you deserve it in return from others. Expect, and accept, no less. In the meantime, pay attention to your world...go forward promoting Love, Civility and Peace!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day - 2010

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy Valentine's Day! On this day devoted to affairs of the heart, it is an especially good day to spread the LOVE! I hope your day is filled with every way imaginable. Adding Civility and Peace, as the mission of this blog encourages, would be a wonderful way to round out the holiday. May your world be filled with...Love, Civility and Peace!

Love comes in many forms and, from many sources. The Universe gives us its love by providing us with everything we need to survive and prosper; by giving us each other to care for and love; and, by opening its infinite possibilities. Living your life from a position of Love is a good place to start; finding passion and purpose will make the journey all the better. Every day lived with love at its core, is a day well-lived!

Take the time to cultivate a loving and caring existence. Be kind to yourself and others...from your loving self. Compassion, Graciousness and Consideration are other forms of Love. Notice how Love changes the dynamics of your relationships with others. Make someones day with a small token of your appreciation for having them in your is a loving kindness to let people know how much you value them. So, go forward Super-Stars and spread the Love!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Trusting requires the possibilities. The Universe supports this trust with positive results. Think about it for a moment...when you are hopeful and grateful for that which you trust will be...well then, so it is. The timing of receiving these gifts of our trusting thoughts, words and actions is well placed if put in the hands of the Universe. This truth is often overlooked, but nonetheless before us time and again...if only we trust.

Hmmm. The more we become connected to the Universal flow of life, and our impact upon it, the more we will be trusting of the positive outcome. Trust is the foundation of all...the foundation of our very existence. Wow! Wrap your thoughts around that...the solid foundation of all relationships is TRUST. This extends to our relationships with ourselves, others and everything we might imagine.

Exactly. WOW! So, trust in the positive outflow of your thoughts, words and actions. Trust that the Universe is aligned with our collective belief that all is in Divine order and, that whatever is happening right now, this minute, is the result of this collaboration we continually create and recreate together. There is a continuum of the natural order of the Universe. As the saying goes, "The truth shall set you free!" Well, my truth is in the way I live my life...promoting the Super-Star mission of an ever widening sphere of Love, Civility and Peace. The possibilities are is paramount.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)