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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012...TOGETHER!!!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy New Year! Today begins the fifth year of this web site and my blog's hard to believe it has been four years already! TOGETHER, each New Year presents us with an opportunity for reflection, resolutions and, rejoicing. This is a time for new beginnings; a time to let go of those things that are not serving us; and, a time to think and reflect on the future and our hopes and dreams; pondering that which we would bring to fruition in our lives.

This year in particular, 2012, has been speculated upon, over the ages, for the many changes predicted and expected on the Winter Solstice. I like to believe, as many others do, that TOGETHER we are the solution to bringing humanity through whatever may come to pass; that it is not doomsday with which we are faced, but rather the renewal of a richer and deeper understanding of each other; and, that the future is, and will always be, bright with the Light of the Universe as our guide and comfort.

Several years ago I wrote the poem, "Need to Let it Go." As I continue to bring my Super Star vision to the world, I think it is appropriate to share this inspirational poem again. I hope these words help you to see past today and lead you to a brighter and more fulfilling future. TOGETHER, we are the solution to a better World and Universe; join the Super-Star mission as we create our incredible journey towards Love, Civility and Peace.

In love & light and, with much appreciation,

Glenna :-)

“Need to Let it Go”

Need to let it go, set it free
The world waits, awaits for me

Need to let it go, the stress and worry
Just send it away, release the fury

Need to let it go, faith in my heart
Believe in myself, make a fresh start

Need to let it go, begin the journey
With freedom of spirit, open and yearning

Need to let it go, and let it be
Follow the path of life, which lies before me

Need to let it go, arms open wide
Soar on Angel’s wings, and really fly

Need to let it go, set myself free
The world waits, awaits for me

Copyright 2003
Glenna Sandra Park

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