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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I really do care about what happens to my family, friends, and acquaintances. However, I think it is also important to note that I also care about the many people I see as I go about my daily life...people I really don't know; those I regularly see about and around (used to be, we all actually knew our neighbors;) the cashier at the convenience store (yes, they are worthy and they work holidays too;) the homeless people begging for money on almost every street corner (a sad state of existence to even contemplate;) and, how I wonder about, and pray for, all these and other people with whom I may come across.

Caring comes from a place in my heart which is inherently seated there by Love, is innately a part of who I am; and, is reflected by how I extend my caring to others in this, my Super-Star value-driven life. I like to believe we all feel this way without having to think about it; that it is just a part of each of us; that our humanity shines brightly; that the impact we each have on the whole is intangible; and, therefore collectively, creates an infinitely powerful tool on which the Universe feeds.

Caring is a very good thing and worth cultivating in every aspect of our existence. To just sit back and do nothing helpful, when the time presents itself, is to miss an opportunity to make a difference which may very well be a turning point of profound importance. Promoting Love, Civility and Peace is one of many ways we care for each other and, the Universe at-large appreciates all the positive energy we freely give.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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