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Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Greatest Gift of All, by Steve Goodier

Hello Super-Stars I hope you are all doing well. Steve Goodier encourages his readers that blog to share his messages and I have to say, this one is a keeper and, one that must be shared (I have made a few minor edits, but the story is the same.) I hope you find it as inspiring as I did and, that as Super-Stars, we will be a positive force that will enable us all to give and receive...


A little boy and girl were singing their favorite carol in church the Sunday before Christmas. The boy concluded "Silent Night" with the words, "Sleep in heavenly beans." "No," his sister corrected, "not beans. Peas." The story reminds me of the wonderful and hectic holiday season many of you are now enjoying. Dave Garroway was, for many years, the host of the TODAY show on NBC television. Someone once asked him about his understanding of Christmas. He replied: "I've noticed that when people are asked what they want for Christmas, nine times out of ten, they answer with something material. That used to be amusing to me, but it's not amusing to me any longer. I happen to be one of those people who can afford anything he wants, but I find what I really want, I can't buy at any price. I want peace of mind, peace of soul; the kind of peace you have when you don't really want anything.

"What do YOU want for Christmas? Or, if you don't celebrate Christmas, what do you want for your life. For your world? For me, what I want cannot be bought or gift wrapped. What I want most can best be summed up in words like "faith" and "hope" and "love." For myself, I want faith. Faith enough to see light in even the bleakest of situations. Faith enough to believe that goodness will prevail in the end. For my loved ones I want hope. Abundant hope. Hope in tomorrow. A hope that helps them believe that better times lie ahead so they can take that next step. For my world I want love. And, I believe that the solutions to most of our biggest problems will only be found when we decide that we are indeed one family. The problems of war, health care, crime in city streets, immigration and unemployment take on a different hue when I am talking about my brothers and sisters whom I love dearly. Do you also want things you can't buy? What if we all decided to go after those things this year...the things that truly matter? That could be the greatest gift of all. -- Steve Goodier.

Love, Civility and Peace will indeed solve many of the world's problems if we give the Greatest Gift of All...through our thoughts, words, and actions on a scale of Universal proportion and healing, which is possible, when we join together promoting The Super-Star mission in every way we are able and, with every breath we take.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

I love getting Steve Goodier's emails of inspiration from his Life Support newsletter. Please see his web site at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great experience, dude! thanks for this great

Articles wow... it's very wonderful report.