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Friday, August 21, 2009

Positive Forces

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well and, having a great summer! In keeping with the Super-Star mission, please keep sending the Positive Force of your thoughts, words and actions into the Universe. When you see someone who seems sad, send them positive vibes; when you recognize that a negative situation is brewing, send out your positive vibes to those who need your help; when all is well, continue to think, say and do the positive thing. The Positive Force, of us all, is a mighty tool indeed, and one which the Universe needs and appreciates.

The mystery of the Universe continues to unfold and show us just how very much of a difference we all make with our day-to-day lives...individually and collectively. We need only to really take a look around to notice the impact we make, let alone the impact we make as a united Positive Force. The possibilities toward the good of mankind, and of all the creatures of the Universe, are infinite...just as the reaches of the Universe are infinite and Divine.

Be a Positive Force in every thing, in every way and, forevermore!!! The mission is simple...the rewards are beyond imagination...but, the outcome is the destiny we choose by our very thoughts, words and actions as Super-Stars! Continue the journey of choice toward a more abundant life with the power of the Positive Force!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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