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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for supporting and sharing the Super-Star message; I appreciate all you do to help make this a better world for us all. Now that the holiday season is truly upon us, life will likely be hectic for a couple of months...don't let this discourage you...take the time to be thankful for all the good things in the world and put a positive twist on all you think, say and make a difference everyday! Believe!

As you spend time with family and friends, celebrating the holidays, please take the time to look around at all of the splendor that is your life. Think about how all these people affect your life and, how you affect theirs. This time of year is especially important to really see the glory of your life, to realize the true impact your very presence makes and to be thankful for all of the blessings - big and small - that are an inherent part of who you are now and, how these things are shaping the person you are yet to be. Believe!

Shine in the Light of the holidays! Share the Light of the Super-Star ideals in your every thought, word and action...give thanks to all whom you encounter. Encourage the less fortunate with your Super-Star Light. Give the gift of a smile and laughter. Drop pennies here and there for children to find as a gift of luck. Give yourself, and others, the gift of forgiveness. Find ways to brighten a person's day. The gift of your love will always be treasured by those who receive it; hold the love they return close and cherish its warmth on a cold day. These are all things to be thankful for...BELIEVE!!!


Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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