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Monday, April 28, 2008

Friendship and Love

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Friends are the people with whom we choose to spend time, as they do with us. The bond of love that is created by and holds these relationships together is precious and well worth cultivating. I had the wonderful opportunity this weekend of meeting and spending time with a couple who had previously been acquaintances from a church I used to attend and, who I now hope and pray will become lifelong friends.

These two beautiful people are spiritually centered and obviously live their lives from a position of love. They shared their warmth and caring with me even though we had not seen each other for over 10 years and, had never been what could be considered friends; I was truly touched by their generosity of spirit and love. I will always treasure what I am sure is only the beginning of a truly special friendship.

Friends may come and go through our lives, but staying devoted to cultivating and maintaining these relationships will ultimately add more to our lives. The time and love that you give into any relationship will, for the most part, come back to you in abundance. Love is the universal bond that holds us all together as a world and, the more we share...the more we shall I say, "Share, share, share!!!"

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With light, love and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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