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Monday, March 31, 2008


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Today, I would like to address patience. In today's increasingly busy world, it is hard to find the patience to deal with so many of the things that seem to be rushing our way. Multi-tasking has become commonplace, but at the same time, it is becoming intolerable. The demands on our time continue to intrude on our peace-of-mind. Many people are fighting the good battle, but their patience is sorely tested.

We witness this trend in our own lives and the lives of our family and friends; in the way we and others drive - seemingly without thought to the safety of others - just so we get where we need to go as soon as possible; irritation that is easily riled by any number of situations, somewhat like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland - always late and in a hurry - with no time to waste; time has become a precious commodity, which is readily savoured when there is a break to be had. However, living a life based on the Super-Star principles requires immense patience.

Patience comes easily to some of us, but to others, it is a trial of the highest order. Patience can be cultivated with practice and diligence and I believe, is worth the effort. To not have patience with someone is to not be understanding, compassionate, polite or even helpful. I'll grant you, there are at times, limits to what we are able to endure, but if you are as patient as possible, the rewards may surprise you. Have the patience to slow down and smell the roses. Have the patience to help another. Have the patience to be a conscientious driver for safety's sake...the life you save may be your own.

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

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