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Friday, February 11, 2011


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I encourage you to spend these next few days, leading up to and including, Valentine's Day really thinking about Love. Please take time to think about all the different kinds of, and ways, that you love and, are loved in return. Love is part and parcel to your very existence. Have you ever really thought about how much you are loved? If you've been paying attention, you don't even have to hear the words, "I love you," to know you are cherished.

Love is that which the Universe thrives upon, what feeds the soul of the earth and the heart of all life. Every organism is touched by Love...the Light of Love is within all that is good...the fruit of Love is abundant and sweet. Love is in the eyes of the parent looking adoringly at their children; it is in the eyes of sweethearts as they give freely of themselves to the other; it is in the eyes of all who live a value-driven life; it is in YOUR eyes. Your Super-Star eyes!!!

Time used pondering Love is time well spent. Engulf your world with Love. Give, and accept, no less. Open your heart wide and feel your Universe of Love expand exponentially. It's really very simple, just...Love...Love...Love!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With Love & Light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)