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Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Gift!!!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Each and every one of us is a GIFT unto this world...this Universe we share. That's right...think about it...all of us, our family members and friends, are individually special...and, in so many ways that deserve recognition and affirmation. The impact we have in this life is so much more than that which we give ourselves credence. And, for that, we each need to acknowledge that we are a GIFT!!!

A Gift is a present to cherish; a treasure to behold; and, a giving of heart and soul. Our thoughts, words and actions are contributions to the whole; the source of energy which nurtures the Universe; and, as we give of ourselves, we too, receive much in return through the relationships we cultivate. Wow, as we collectively empower each other, our lives are richer for the effort...yes, truly and always, a GIFT!!!

With that in mind, please be continually cognizant of how important you consequential your every action...and, how worthwhile you are as a part of the whole. Please continue to live a life that promotes Love, Civility and Peace and the Super-Star message!!! That is a GIFT I wholeheartedly endorse and give freely!!!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)