Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Gentle Art of Blessing...a Video Worth the Time
As we promote Love, Civility and Peace, we are messengers of the Universe, and it is to this aspect of being a Super-Star to which this video speaks. My many Blessings to you all.
With love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)
p.s. Many thanks to my sister for you!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Coming Together for Humankind
Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. It has been nearly two weeks since the tragic earthquake hit Haiti; which has destroyed the majority of buildings in its Capital and elsewhere. News of survivors still being rescued is cause for a shred of hope in this small and impoverished country; they are literally hanging on by the thread of humanity the world is currently showing. It is in these instances we see the true meaning of Universal brotherhood; we simply MUST do everything possible to help. Whether you are on the scene doing good works, donating time and money or, praying for those in need, it matters that you matters that the world comes together to help these, and any, innocent victims of nature's wrath.
I am always encouraged to see, that when it comes down to it, the peoples of the world come together in times of tragedy to help their fellow humankind. Even those who may be at political odds with each other, put aside their differences when it matters. I believe this is a prime example of the possibilities when all is well...we can come together for the common good of all...a synergism that benefits all parties...resulting in a Super-Star like existence around the world. Let us come together in all things...believe in, and achieve, a world of Love, Civility and Peace.
As we recognize the possibilities, continue to put your energies into the process so that the outcome is a positive reflection of all we are and, all we are meant to be...together. Remember that we are all important pieces of the Universal puzzle. Each and every one of us makes a difference. Let us do all we can to help the people of Haiti regain some semblance of normalcy and help them rebuild their nation into a thriving and prosperous country so that they will have abundant opportunities for success after such a devastating event. It is the Super-Star way...promoting Love, Civility and Peace...for ALL!
Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!
In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Dr. Martin Luther King
It's apparent that his work must continue; I was saddened this week to hear someone using derogatory language towards the African-American community. My response was, "Shame, shame, shame." This person then said, "I'm a Southerner and will always be a Southerner..." Again, I said, "Shame, shame, shame." It is time to put these discrimination's behind us...time to realize the value of ALL people...time to remember that we are ALL important parts of the puzzle we call the Universe. Please let go of our differences and embrace a more thoughtful and civil life path...where all the peoples of the world are respected...where those who are discriminated against, also realize they are perpetuating the same against those who are different, and, where Love, Civility and Peace reigns above all else.
Words do not adequately express how important Dr. King's work was, and still is, to the world. The ripple effect of his life's journey will continue for all time. God bless you were a true Super Star! Happy Birthday to the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!
In love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Habit of Civility
It is important to keep in mind that ALL people are created with inherent rights and deserve to live in a world of civility. Whether you are the President of the United States, a day-laborer, or a down-on-their-luck homeless person, YOU are equally valuable to the whole of the Universe. This is a critical aspect of civility...again, ALL people are equal and should be treated with dignity...without exception...the world around!
Remember, the CHOICES we make impact our world and sphere of living. Make good choices in your daily lives. Civility is a cornerstone of democracy and decency. It really comes down to being a nice person. I believe we all like to think we're nice people...let's practice what we think. Cultivate the Habit of Civility...the Universe, and I, thank you!
Think - Live - Be - A Super Star!
In love & light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Old Friends...New Beginnings...
This good fortune brings me to realize that the innate persistence of my thoughts, words and actions has definitely had an impact on the very success of my ongoing search for old friends. The Universe always rewards the efforts we put forth...perhaps, not always in the time-frame we would wish for, but, eventually. I truly believe and have faith in the saying, "All in Divine Order." I highly recommend keeping focused on our goals; success is sweet and I rejoice in the gift the Universe has given me in this week. I have had similar success in the past, and I cherish all those "found" friends...I am enriched beyond measure for having you all back in my life!
I can see why so many of the Internet "Networking" sites are so popular...I have finally joined Facebook (I am experiencing an interesting learning curve figuring out all the options and whatnots...LOL.) I encourage you to take the time to try to find your friends online, the options for doing so are seemingly endless...persistence and patience will pay-off. Reconnecting with those who have always held a place in our hearts is a wonderful way to start the New Year! Believe me, I have firsthand knowledge, and it is sweet indeed!!!
Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!
With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year 2010
Wow! I know...take your time...wrap your brain around the concept...I've been dwelling on this idea for a while now for this New Year's Super-Star message, so I know it's a wee bit mind-boggling. What do you think about your personal Universe as it now stands? Is your life what you had envisioned it would become, in the here and now? How do you make a difference? How do I? Why are we in the here and now? What really is the here and now? How did we get here? Who, what and how do we want our Universe to look like? What is the point?
THE POINT IS...everyone and every little-bitty living thing we share the Universe with matters!!! YOU MATTER!!! EVERYTHING matters! Sounds why does life seem so complicated? Well...The Universe is pretty big and diverse and, constantly changing and growing. If you give yourself a minute to think about it's supposed to be complicated. However, let's narrow it down to our own Universe...that's all we really need to concentrate our energy on...our personal here and now...the whole will take care of itself. If we live by a set of values...such as what the Super-Star acronym stands for...and, whatever else is important to our individual Universe...that which makes our world complete...then, we have done well. Remember to think about the incredible impact your life has on others and, the impact others have on your Universe. Together, we are meant to be...together, we make a difference...TOGETHER, WE ARE THE UNIVERSE!!!
Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!
In love, light and, with much appreciation,
Glenna :-)