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Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Memorial Day was established as a day of Remembrance for all those who have fought for Peace. I know it sounds absurd that we must "fight" for Peace. Why? Surely the human race is intelligent enough to realize that when fighting, Peace is absent; but the goal is still me, this is insane. However, history has shown, time and again, the fragility of Peace; continuing cycles of war and peace. Seemingly, generation after generation has faced some conflict or another. Again, I ask why?

I believe we should be thinking, speaking and taking action toward the goal of sustained Peace; thereby breaking the cycle that has plagued almost every generation, including our own, from the conflicts around the world. Do we want today's children to face a continued struggle for Peace? I think not. The goal has always been to make the future better for our children; it's time to create and include a peaceful existence for all peoples on Earth as part of that goal. Remember, as Super-Stars, together, we are MIGHTY!

Start today with an attitude toward creating a life and world that promotes Love, Civility and Peace! Know that the time is now to embark on, or continue, a Super-Star way of life. The benefits will be far-reaching...our own ripples in the fabric of the Universe will create the peaceful and loving world we all envision. This is our reality; we must think, talk and act PEACE! Please spread the message for Love, Civility and Peace...the time is now!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

P.S. Also, please remember those who have served to ensure Peace has had a chance...thank a Veteran today and everyday.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Optimism allows hope to flourish and defeats despair, even in uncertain times. I know well the urge to hide my head in the sand and not face day-to-day struggles, but doing so does not solve only puts off what must eventually be faced. So, optimism is a state of mind and being that lifts us up and gives us ongoing hope for whatever it is that we each must overcome.

I find myself going back to the basics of my "Super-Star" message to find ways to make a difference in some one's life because doing so makes a difference in my life. I've written about helping the "little old lady" put her groceries in her car...about thanking a Veteran for their service...about adding a positive spin to an otherwise down-and-out situation. Together, we can make a difference in each other's lives. It takes only a moment to be nice, considerate and understanding.

Adding optimism to our way of thinking will inevitably add this very important mindset to the Universal flow of consequence. Everything we do, or don't do, affects the overall outcome of our lives and the world in which we live. Please make it a habit to be optimistic and continue to spread the "Super-Star" mission and vision in every part of your life. Even when it seems that nothing is going your way, you will attract the very thing you need by being optimistic, believing in, and being the best of, who you are. By the way, optimism is contagious so, spread the message!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. Happy Mother's Day! Treasure the one who brought you into this world. A mother's love is never ending; you will always feel her near you and in your heart, whether she still breathes or has passed. My siblings and I lost our mother over twenty-two years ago; her love, compassion and wisdom continues through our daily lives and actions. This posting is dedicated to you, Mom.

You taught us to respect everyone, to be polite and courteous, and to love life. Your example of greatness, which you lived as the "Glamour Girl" of the women's golf tour in the 1940's - achieving a ranking of third in the world at the age of eighteen - showed us that we too could reach for the stars...that we could do anything we wanted if we applied ourselves to the task...and, you inspired us all to do our best (even though it took me longer than you wished!)

I know we will always hold you in our hearts and that your spirit lives on in each of us...thank you for being you and for teaching us what really matters; such as the core values which guide our everyday lives. You were a true Super-Star in every way; sacrificing so much in order that we would have every opportunity to learn and excel. Here's to you Mom! Love your mother as you love no other...just as she loves you!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)

P.S. This is a slightly updated version of last year's posting...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Life Support...Trust in the Face of Betrayal

Hello Super-Stars! I hope you are all doing well. I thought this blog posting by Steve Goodier, of very cute and appropriate to the Super-Star mission...

I've never visited the town of Wetumka in Oklahoma (USA). But I understand the folks there celebrate a day every year when they laugh at themselves. They call it Sucker Day and they plan a town festival on the last Saturday of September to commemorate it. It all started in 1950 when a man calling himself F. Bam Morrison arrived in Wetumka and persuaded local residents to put up the money to bring a circus to town. They did not know F. Bam, but he was a nice enough fellow and they trusted his word. Merchants bought plenty of food, beverages, and souvenirs in preparation for the crowds of people who were bound to attend. And Morrison sold advance tickets. The townspeople were ecstatic at the thought of a circus in their very own village. Children could hardly sleep at night. On the day the circus parade was to march down the main street, ecstasy turned into dismay when nothing happened. F. Bam had slipped quietly away in the night with any money he had left. There would be no circus.

The good folks of Wetumka had been swindled. It didn't take long for their disappointment to turn into amusement, however. Someone came up with the idea of holding a four-day celebration anyway. And why not? They had all the food and goodies. Calendars were cleared and, besides, every one's heart was set on having a good time. They called their party The Sucker Festival. In a display of good-natured fun, people celebrated the fact that they'd been conned, snookered and hornswoggled. And now, Sucker Day is an annual event in Wetumka – a good excuse to come together, to laugh and to have some fun.

We're going to be fooled sometimes. Especially if we easily place our confidence in people. But I'm not going to give up trusting just to avoid being had. I've observed that some of the happiest people I know are far from being the most wary – in fact, they are quite often open and trusting. These contented folks share at least two traits. The first is that they are trustworthy. They are known to be honest and true to their word. And the second trait these happy and satisfied people share is that they easily trust others. Sometimes their trust is misplaced, but they've discovered that the benefits of trusting usually outweigh the risks of disappointment. I expect I'll get taken in plenty of times yet by friends and strangers I believed in. But I hope the next time I trusted when I should have been more cautious, I can learn from the good folks of Wetumka and laugh at myself. Because I'd rather let others into my heart than shut them out. I'd rather be a sucker for a day than unhappy for a lifetime. And I'd rather believe there is goodness in most people, for that is the only way to find it.-- Steve Goodier

I hope this story inspired you as much as it did me! Trusting and being Trustworthy go hand-in-hand!

Think - Live - Be - A Super-Star!

With love & light and, much appreciation,
Glenna :-)